How honey is made and harvested Put these slides in order to tell the story of the busy bee.
Storyboard Instructions Click on VIEW and SLIDE SORTER. Put the story in order by moving the slides around until the story makes chronological sense. When you are done, view the show. Make any necessary adjustments and review show again. When you are satisfied with the order, go to SLIDE SHOW, RECORD NARRATION. Read the story narration and save the file. Save and upload the completed show to your instructor.
Bees are attracted to the flowers by their smell and their colors.
The bees return to the hives and give their nectar to the hive bees.
Honey is stored as is – right from the hive.
The combs are then drained of honey. Some producers use a centrifuge, which slings the honey out of the comb at high rotational speeds.
They then spread this mixture into the comb where it evaporates into the thick syrup we know as honey.
Bee keepers save some of the honey for the bees before they harvest.
Many bee keepers wear special clothes to work around their bees.
Shelves of combs are carefully lifted out of the hive – shelves weigh about 40 pounds when full of honey.
Still capped with wax, the honeycomb is taken to a place where the tops can be sheared off. Some producers mechanize this process, but it can be done with a knife.
Once the honey is the right consistency, the workers seal off the comb cell so the honey can be stored for later.
The honey is then run through a separator, which causes smaller flakes of wax to float up. This waste is collected and later used in candles, soaps and other products.
Bees leave the hive to hunt for necter.
Bees collect nectar from flowers using their straw like tongues.
Bees have to visit between 100 to 1500 flowers to fill their nectar stomachs.
Bees have a special stomach just for nectar. It holds 70mg of nectar when full, and weighs almost as much as the bee!
Bee keepers infuse the hive with smoke to temporarily distract the bees.
The hive bees chew the nectar to break it down into simple sugars which keep it protected from bacteria.
Can you find all of the dangers to a healthy bee hive below?