Day 4, SI–1 Module 11: Scaffolding Instruction
Day 4, SI–2 Essential Question How can scaffolding instruction increase the rigor of my classroom and allow more students to achieve at higher levels?
Day 4, SI–3 Round-Robin Brainstorming When we talk about scaffolding instruction, what comes to mind? In round-robin fashion, each person will share a thought. If you have nothing to add, you can pass. After everyone shares for the first time, anyone may add comments.
Day 4, SI–4 Scaffolding Support for learning: Can be provided by a teacher, other adult, or more experienced peer. May consist of modeling, questioning, providing visual organizers, or constructive feedback. Is gradually removed as the student gains the ability to work independently.
Day 4, SI–5 Looking at Student Work Think about the student work that you brought. Which students appeared to have trouble with the assignment? What might have interfered with the learning process? ~Did students lack prerequisite skills? ~Did students have special learning needs that required additional attention? ~Did students have any ELL-related issues?
Day 4, SI–6 Scaffolding Strategies from the Educator’s Toolbox To identify scaffolding strategies: Briefly scan your copy of the Educator’s Toolbox. With a partner, choose a strategy that you might use to scaffold instruction. Discuss (using a concrete example to support) how you would implement the strategy. Be prepared to share out with the group.
Day 4, SI–7 Zone of Proximal Development The distance between the individual’s actual and potential development level.
Day 4, SI–8 Stages of the ZPD
Day 4, SI–9 Analyzing Instruction for Scaffolding To complete this activity: Use the Analyzing Instruction for Scaffolding worksheet to analyze portions of the model unit. What evidence can we find that illustrates the building of knowledge through scaffolding instruction?
Day 4, SI–10 Exit Slip On an exit slip, write one way you routinely scaffold instruction for your students.