Our Solar System
These photographs are taken from the NASA space missions.
Our Sun Microsoft Clip Art
Solar Eclipse 2001 Transit time: 3 hours in Lusaka, Zambia Total eclipse: 2 sec. short of 3 minutes
Photos of sun taken at 4 different wavelengths of ultraviolet
Mariner 10 to Venus & Mercury
Mercury photographic mosaic
Mercury with Sun behind it.
Photographs of the surface of Mercury
Magellan Spacecraft 10 August 1990
Venus -- ultraviolet photograph
The following sketch was taken from the Jet Propulsion Lab’s websiteThe following sketch was taken from the Jet Propulsion Lab’s website Ben Zalewski Nov. 2006
Nicolas Copernicus published the theory that planets revolve around the sun.Nicolas Copernicus published the theory that planets revolve around the sun
Photographs of the Planets Our Moon
Earth photograph from Apollo 16 Gulf of California
Galileo Spacecraft
Australia from Galileo
Earth & Moon from Galileo
Earthrise – Apollo 8
Our Moon Color photograph
Apollo 17 Schmitt
Copernicus Crater from Hubble 90 km
Moon: dark side from Russian Luna3
New Moon 10 June 2002
Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) 1996 to to ,000 photos 240,000 photos
Mars photograph
4 views of surface
Mars Viking Spacecraft 19 June 1976
Mars surface
Olympus Mons largest volcano in solar system
3D generated image
Valles Marinesis 3,200 km
Galileo being launched
Jupiter and its moon, Io
Several Moons of Jupiter (43 are named) Callisto Europa Ganymede Amalthea
Saturn -- view from Hubble
Saturn: infrared image Saturn: infrared image
Voyager spacecraft
B-rings of Saturn From Voyager Nov. 2006
Asteroids Gaspra & Ida Moon, Dactyl
Uranus Ultra-violet photo Giant gas planet
Hubble Space Telescope Taken from shuttle after deployment
Neptune Another giant gas planet
Neptune from Mariner Spacecraft
Clouds above Neptune
Triton -- one of Neptune’s moons
Neptune N-rings
Pluto 2 photographs
Pluto and its satellite, Charon