Global Studies Unit 1: The Five Themes of Geography and Foundations Lesson 2: Map and Globe Skills
The Four Components of a Map Title – What does the map show? Compass Rose – Shows the 4 Cardinal Directions (N,S,E, and W) and 4 Intermediate Directions (NE, SE, NW, SW). Scale Bar – Used to compute/ estimate distance on map or globe. Legend or Key – This explains the symbols used on a map.
Basic vs. Advanced Compass Rose
Scale Bars
Map Legends or Keys
Types of Maps Cartographers are people who create maps. General Purpose Maps – contain a wide variety of info. Special Purpose Maps – designed for specific purpose.
Other Common Maps Physical Maps or Topographic Maps – Show the height of land relative to sea level or the surrounding land. The difference in elevation is called relief. Relief can be depicted with color, it can be sculpted, or it can be shown with contour lines that connect all points of equal elevation. Political Maps – Show the boundaries between countries, states, territories, etc. and the locations of cities and towns.
Physical and Political Maps