Landscaping for Wildlife Mark Hostetler Extension Wildlife Specialist Department of Wildlife Ecology & Conservation IFAS, University of Florida
Overview Florida Cooperative Extension Service - Wildlife Florida bird monitoring program How to certify your yard Landscaping for wildlife – Birds – Butterflies – Design process
Florida Cooperative Extension Service – Wildlife Who are we? –Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, IFAS, University of Florida What do we do? –In issues regarding wildlife Advise the public Develop educational programs Disseminate information Conduct research
Available Wildlife Information? Landscaping for wildlife Conservation and management of wildlife Human/wildlife conflict Detailed information on species Wildlife education programs
Web site: –Print on demand –Links and information –Educational programs Call your local extension office Call Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission or visit Where to Go for Info?
All animals need: –Food –Cover –Water –Space Landscaping for Wildlife Photo by Joe Schaefer Habitat
Birds? R.-thr. HummingbirdY.-rumped Warbler Northern Mockingbird Red-tailed Hawk O.-crowned Warbler
Life History Stages of a Bird EggBaby BirdImmature Adult Reproductive Adult
Seasons of a Bird Breeding Wintering (non-breeding season) Migrating (Fall and Spring Migration )
Range Map – House Wren Summer Winter
Year-round Species Northern Mockingbird Carolina Chickadee Screech Owl Tufted Titmouse
Migratory Species Red-eyed VireoAmerican Goldfinch American Redstart
Partial Migrants
Your Yard Different species may appear in your yard at different times of the year Can Serve As: A breeding site A wintering site A stop-over site (A dispersal site)
Providing Habitat for Birds
Provide Insects Photos courtesy of
Insect Eaters Hairy Woodpecker Yellow Warbler Great-crested Flycatcher
Insect Habitat = Bird Habitat Plant native species Reduce pesticide use - Spot treat - Use alternative methods of insect control Reduce the amount of mowed lawn - Design islands of “wild” areas Save dead trees (snags)
Suet/Peanut Butter Feeder During winter, stock a wire cage with peanut butter or suet
Provide Seed
Seed Eaters White-crowned Sparrow House Finch Tufted Titmouse Blue Jay
Seed Feeders Hanging feeders Platform feeders
Provide Fruit Plant native fruit species –Many different plant species produce fruit (hollies, cedar trees, beauty berries, wax myrtles) BeautyberryHolly spp.
Provide Nectar (¼ cup of sugar to 1 cup of hot water) Provide a hummingbird feeder Trumpet vine Plant species with red, tubular flowers
Fruit and Nectar Eaters Ruby-throated Hummingbird Brown ThrasherCedar Waxwing Northern Mockingbird
Provide Meat
Meat Eaters Barred Owl Loggerhead Shrike Great-horned Owl
Cavities Cavities are in short supply in neighborhoods
Primary Cavity Nesters Hairy Woodpecker Pileated Woodpecker
Secondary Cavity Nesters Photos of owls, titmice, chickadees, etc. Tufted Titmouse Great-crested Flycatcher Carolina Chickadee Eastern Bluebird
Providing Cavities Leave a snag on your property (woodpeckers) Provide a nesting box (secondary cavity nesters)
Vegetation for Cover Plant or maintain a variety of plant species Increase vertical height diversity
Organized Chaos Stop mowing!
Water Bird baths Running water Ponds
Example: Trees and a Bird
Scale-dependent Decisions of a Wren and a Hawk Tract Home Range Habitat Patches Food Patches Tract Home Range Habitat Patches Food Patches
Different Birds Make Decisions at Different Scales Larger birds = broader scales and larger patch sizes Smaller birds = limited scales and smaller patch sizes
How To Plan For Space? Be aware of habitats surrounding your property and plan accordingly Think about the size of the bird Talk with your neighbors (e.g., plan bigger patches) Experiment! Embrace uncertainty!
Summary Bird Habitat – food, cover, water, & space Food - plant for insects, fruit, nectar & small animals; provide bird feeders Life Stages – breeding, wintering, & migration
Summary Cover - vertical height diversity; “wild areas”; keep snags, provide nest boxes Water – ponds, bird baths, running water Space – scale and bird size, talk with neighbors, group vegetation
Landscaping for Butterflies Giant Swallowtail By Joe Schaefer
Habitat for Butterflies
Life History of Butterflies (Lepidopterans) Egg By Sharon David
Butterflies vs. Moths Butterflies Most fly during day Most are bright colors Have slender bodies Antennae slender & have knobs at tip Most rest with wings folded above body Moths Most fly at night Many have drab colors Have stout bodies Antennae can be feathery, no knobs Rest with wings horizontal
Food for Caterpillars Host plants must be tailored to specific butterflies Some plants are hosts to several different butterflies (passion vine –Gulf fritillary, Zebra long wing) Some feed on one specific plant - Pipevine swallowtail feeds on Dutchman’s Pipe
Food for Caterpillars An easy way to provide larval food: Do not mow certain sections of the yard! If you do plant a garden, don’t forget host plants for larvae!
Food for Adult Butterflies Photos courtesy of Thistle Phlox Purple Coneflower Milkweed
Additional Food for Adult Butterflies Rotting fruits: oranges, apples, bananas By Joe Schaefer
Cover for Butterflies Increase vertical height diversity Plan for “natural areas” Brush Pile Butterfly boxes do not really work
Provide Basking Area Provide lots of sunny areas Place flat stones in these sunny areas
Provide Puddling Areas Include damp areas or shallow puddles using sand or dirt as base By Joe Schaefer Provides source of minerals, especially sodium
Reduce Pesticide Use Almost all pesticides are non-specific, they kill both the pest species and butterflies Spot treat areas
Space for Butterflies Yard contains sunny areas, puddling areas, and woody areas for cover Group flowers and host plants together, make large patches Think about the landscape near your property
Benefit to Pollinators Your butterfly garden attracts a whole host of insect pollinators Important for production of vegetables and fruit !
Summary Cover - dense vegetation or a brush pile Food - flowering plants for adults and host plants for caterpillars Basking and puddling areas Space – group plants; what surrounds your yard? Reduce pesticide use
Where to Find Info on Butterfly - Plant Associations? Florida Butterfly Gardening Book Marc & Maria Minnow
Design Process First yearThird year
Get to Know Your Property OBSERVATION –Shady areas –Wet areas –High traffic areas –Existing plants –Views –Topography Step 1
Draw a Base Plan Sketch your site (to scale) –Draw property lines –House, driveway –Fences, any other human-built structure Step 2
Sketch Existing Landscape Structure Water (where is it? where does it go?) Views (good views and unsightly views) Type of soil Plants (what kind, where are they?) Topography (low and high ground) Step 3
Checklist of Desired Uses Functional areas – humans Step 4 Functional areas – wildlife
Create a Diagram Draw your future landscape Step 5
Summary - Landscaping for Birds & Butterflies Refer to Habitat - food, cover, water, and space Take time to design
Bird Monitoring Program
Birds? R.-thr. HummingbirdY.-rumped Warbler Northern Mockingbird Red-tailed Hawk O.-crowned Warbler
Create simple, standardized methods to survey birds Create a Web site linked to a data base where participants can enter and view collected bird data Objectives
Utility Can measure how bird diversity changes over time Participants interact with their environment Added component for any educational or experiential program Participants can compare results and interact with other wildlife landscapers
Point Count Stationary survey of birds in a given area Used for small lots or landscapes where it is difficult to walk through
Point Count 20 m 10 minutes
Transect Count A route is walked and birds are counted on each side Used for large properties or surveys of neighborhoods
Transect Count 20 m
Enter and View Data Participants enter data through the Web site (need User ID and Survey Code) Anybody can view the results online
THE WEB SITE! Florida Bird Monitoring Program
Florida Wildlife Habitat Program Certification Program: Apply through the wildlife extension web site Participants describe current yard, wildlife seen and future landscaping plans We evaluate and make recommendations
Upon certification, participants receive a certificate and sign
Summary Wildlife Info: Landscaping for birds and butterflies: - Food, Cover, Water, and Space Bird monitoring program Certify your yard
Acknowledgements Developed by: Dr. Mark Hostetler, Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, IFAS, University of Florida, 2001.
Acknowledgements Photo & Sound Credits: Mark Hostetler, Joe Schafer, and Dan Sudia USGS Patuxent Bird Center (Bird Photos): FL Museum of Natural History: Flower Photos: Florida Wildflower Showcase : Florida Wildflower Showcase :