EYC Environmental Youth Connections Connie Abert, Waupaca County UWEX & Gretchen Marshall, UWSP JCEP Conference April, 2011 University of Wisconsin, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Wisconsin counties cooperating. UW- Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming including Title IX and ADA.
Purpose of EYC To provide a direct connection between environmental and outdoor learning & local parks, trails and natural areas.
Needs addressed through EYC UW-SP graduate study: 88% of teachers indicted a need for more in-service/training and curriculum; 63% of teachers indicated a desire to increase outdoor use; 77% of teachers would like to greater utilize community and school properties; 79% of teachers need environmental education equipment. The UWEX survey results: 60% did not know areas close to the school were permissible to use; 66% would be interested workshop that connected learning and natural areas. 80% were willing to use local forest for outdoor education;
Goals to address EYC Needs In Fall 2007 UWEX invited public stakeholders countywide to develop goals that addressed identified needs: to serve more youth and citizens in natural resource areas; to have access to more places, resources and volunteesr; to have training opportunities for staff and volunteers to develop age appropriate lesson plans for local natural areas; to find support for these efforts through education, outreach, and grants.
National Research & Wise Old Principal Play is essential to child development American Academy of Pediatrics Nature Deficit Disorder Last Child in the Woods, Richard Louv Better stress coping skills when in homes connected to nature 2003 Cornell University Study City life can lead to less emotional control, ↑ level of aggression How the City Hurts Your Brain, Jonah Lehrer Psychological benefits linked to diversity of its plant life University of Queensland, Richard Fuller Childhood Obesity – access to places increases activity American Association of Recreation Professionals
Educators Response Grant for professional development connected to local natural areas Workshops and lesson plans Leaf (uwsp), Project Wet – Wild - Learning Tree, KEEP Site Visits and Visioning Each school / community School Forest Designations & WEEB Workshop WEEB grants
Enriching Students. Sustaining Forests. The Wisconsin K-12 Forestry Education Program
The Value of Wisconsin's Forests
Education Understanding Sustaining
Partnership Wisconsin DNR College of Natural Resources, UW-Stevens Point
LEAF….. Is Wisconsin focused Is long-term and comprehensive Incorporates current educational needs Connects to schools, organizations, and agencies
LEAF Services Consultation Curriculum Resources Professional Development School Forest & Outdoor Classroom Support
LEAF Curriculum
LEAF Opportunities Workshops & Courses School In-services Forestry Field Days On-line Networking
Registered under WI Community Forest Law; established in school forest parcels owned by: 209 different Public School Districts (363 parcels) 9 Private Schools 8 Higher Education Institutions Parcels range from 2 to 748 acres Public School Districts with School Forests WI School Forest Program
Benefits for Registered School Forests: Eligible for grants Free DNR forest management assistance Free trees WI School Forest Education Specialist assistance Resources on School Forest Website
WI School Forest Support WI School Forest Specialist provides information, assistance, and resources for districts developing and growing their school forest programs. Contact:
Outdoor classrooms… …allow students and teachers to: Gain an appreciation and awareness of natural resources Learn core subjects Build self-esteem, skills, and knowledge Develop life-long critical thinking skills Encounter real-life situations, outside Be engaged by lessons
WI Center for Environmental Education Other resources: KEEP (WI K-12 Energy Education Program) Resources Library Education for Sustainability WEEB (Wisconsin Environmental Education Board)
Where Are We Now Submitted WEEB grants for 5 of 7 school districts Designated over 20 properties as school forest Curriculum connect to School Forest Sustainable Plans for Forest
What do we expect? Academic Success Better Stewards Health Improvements Sustainable Forest
Waupaca County UW-Extension Environmental Youth Connections The Wisconsin K-12 Forestry Education Program