Rail relative changes
Development in railways - The introduction of railways started with the invention of steam- powered locomotives in The Middleton Railway was the first to successfully use steam locomotives: - In many large cities eg: London, Paris, New York, railways were the only mode of transport until the introduction of buses in 1920s.
Space-time Convergence The first railway in Middleton is 1 mile long. Now, the longest railway is 5772 miles long (Trans-Siberian Railway) Steam Trains = 126 mph High speed trains = 357 mph Much faster trains nowadays, shorter travelling time Longer networks, more locations that are accessible
Reduced friction - less accidents than other forms of transport - very convenient for travelling mid-haul distances - significantly less expensive than aeroplanes or ships - connects those in rural areas to large urban cities with ease
Shanghai Maglev Train (2004) First commercial train operated through magnetic levitation Cost $1.2billion USD to build Top speed of 430 km/h Examples of rail transport Penydarren (1803) ●First steam locomotive ●Total of 3 journeys in its lifetime ●Average speed of 3.9 km/h