Google Drive Basics Bronze Level – Optional
Contents Creating Documents / Spreadsheets Sharing Documents Permissions / Access Rights Folders
Accessing Google Drive Click on the Docs icon on the Staff Homepage
Sign in with your JLC login
Google Drive Google Drive is the area which stores your documents including the documents which you have created and documents which have been shared with you. You can organise them into folders and ‘star’ items
Creating Documents/Spreadsheets Click create Select document
Give the document a title
You can now create your document. The editor is similar to MS Office editor
Sharing Documents To share the document with colleagues or students click the share button in the right hand corner
Sharing Documents Alternatively, from your Google drive list right click on the and select share
Enter the names, addresses or groups you would like to share the document with Select whether you would like them to receive a notification
Permissions / Access Rights Can edit – can edit the doc and invite others to edit/delete editors Can comment – can comment on the doc Can view – viewers can see the most recent version but can’t edit it. Can copy doc.
Select the sharing settings
Sharing Document Viewers Chat
Revision history Chat to collaborators
Folders Create a folder Folders can be useful for organising your documents
Folders Once you have created a folder it will appear on the left hand side. You can drag documents into the folder or right click on the document and ‘move to’ folder You can share a folder in the same way you share a document. Anything you put in the folder will be shared
Upload/Convert documents You can upload existing Word/PowerPoint/Excel documents to your Google drive and convert them to Google docs. Click on the upload files icon to upload docs If you are using Chrome you can drag and drop into your drive!
Converting Documents Once you have uploaded the doc to Google drive you can right click ‘Open with’ Google Docs. This will convert the documents to a Google doc
Converting pdf file to text In the upload settings ensure the ‘Convert text from uploaded PDF files’ is selected. Then ‘Open with’ Google doc Using Google drive you can convert PDF files to text. This can save you time typing documents!
How do you use Google docs in your teaching? “We use them in economics for collaborative work. AS students preparing presentations in small groups use them to be able to share work, whilst in A2 the students are able to work on issues from exam source material as a full cohort across classes, allowing for differentiated results from the entire course on one document.” Jon Woods, Economics
How do you use Google docs in your teaching? On the BTEC Media courses we use google docs for: Student presentation collaboration (Some) report writing by students which are shared with their tutor to give FB on Production of questionnaires to share with students for production – have created student surveys for course and students produced and collected data Adding of some resources onto Moodle so that we don’t have to reupload them if they change – lesson materials, glossaries, etc. gM1aM2c/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000 gM1aM2c/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000 Gren Cropper, Media