1 Disability in Local Councils Initiative Valuing Disabled Employees
2 Disability Action Disability Action works to ensure that people with disabilities attain their full rights as citizens by supporting inclusion, influencing government policy and changing attitudes in partnership with disabled people
3 Disability Action Services Access Mobility Centre Transport Information & Policy Training Employment and Training Centre on Human Rights Community Development Count us in
4 Training Support Supporting 400 young people with disabilities in mainstream training Delivering individualised support on work placement Disability Awareness Training Job coaching Natural Supports
5 Workable NI Supporting people with disabilities in employment with an individually agreed package of support Monitoring reasonable adjustment Assistance with development costs Liaison with support networks Building work skills Training for employer
6 Disability Statistics 1 in 5 adults in Northern Ireland has a disability 1 in 4 families here are affected by disability A person with a disability is 3 times more likely to be unemployed 70% of people acquire their disability during working life
7 Reasonable Adjustments- Recruitment and Selection Attracting Disabled Applicants Develop partnerships with support organisations Short-listing Interviewing Disabled Applicants Don’t make assumptions – seek clarification from the individual Introduce positive actions
8 Reasonable Adjustments - To the Job Flexible working/adjustments to hours Re-allocation of duties/internal transfer Additional training or supervisory support Aids and adaptations/physical adjustments Adjustments to policy/procedures
9 “Employee views” Some very positive experiences, some negative Inconsistent – perception of high dependence on line manager’s attitude Managers and co-workers generally supportive Reluctance by some individuals to request reasonable adjustment Perception that some requests were reluctantly received
10 Reasonable Adjustments - Entry Level Jobs? Track career progression Actively encourage disabled employees to apply for training and promotion Ensure that information on training is accessible to disabled employees Ensure training delivery is accessible
11 Reasonable Adjustment- Performance Issues Train managerial/supervisory staff Disability equality training for staff responsible for appraisal Ensure appraisal system takes account of reasonable adjustments Ensure sick absence and performance management processes are compliant
12 Cont. Ensure staff are aware of internal and external supports Seek information from your disabled employee re reasonable adjustments Consider additional reasonable adjustments to improve performance
13 Positive suggestions – by disabled staff Proactive consideration of potential adjustments at one to one or staff appraisal. Reassure that a positive view will be taken of requests for practical adjustments. Designate and publicise a contact point for staff to access information and advice on reasonable adjustments and employment issues.
14 cont. Train line managers on the implications of the DDA and the employer’s equality policies. Disability Equality Training should be included as part of the induction programme for all staff. Encourage/offer confidence building for employees with disabilities to apply for training/promotion. Ensure reasonable adjustments do not have an unforeseen negative impact on training or promotion.
15 Good Management Success depends not only on policies but on people Support and supervision Staff appraisal Positive working relationships Engagement with staff Developing staff to their full potential
16 Inclusion and Engagement Consult disabled employees Train supervisors and co-workers Consider an employee focus group Monitor the effectiveness of reasonable adjustments Communicate with employees and other stakeholders
17 Access to information Accessibility issues for general information Disability specific –Adjust policies and procedures –Develop disability policy Avoid good practice silos Listen to disabled employees Information network
18 Disability Champion One point of contact High level commitment Focus for –Engagement with disabled staff –Sharing best practice on reasonable adjustment –Driving positive actions –Development of networks