CAD Service Update 27 November 2012 P.O. Friman CAD Service th Catia Forum 11/27/2012
13 th Catia Forum Agenda 1.General Info 2.Reminders 3.New FAQs 2 11/27/2012
13 th Catia Forum General Info New team member Life Cycles – On the way, please reflect on what was presented by PLM WG. GRACQ Specification – Should soon arrive, then we can start. 11/27/2012 3
13 th Catia Forum Reminders 2D Annotations Point from Compass CDD Structure in SMT Applying Material Stability CATDUAV5 Automation CartWeb Error Knowledge Base 11/27/2012 4
13 th Catia Forum 2D Annotations 2D annotated view from DMU navigator workbench – 2D annotations in a specific view position (the text is showed only when the annotation is activated). 11/27/ FAQ soon available
13 th Catia Forum Point from Compass You can create points from compass position. 11/27/ Use case in knowledge base
13 th Catia Forum CDD Structure in SMT CDD structure exists in SmarTeam! Documents automatically linked on Check in. 11/27/2012 7
13 th Catia Forum Applying Material Apply the material onto the Part If needed, a second material can be applied onto a body, see FAQ for details. Never apply a material in a product, including the part instances. 11/27/2012 8
13 th Catia Forum Stability Restart CATIA and Smarteam regularly (~daily) for improved stability. Clean work in SmarTeam Manual import to SmarTeam often leads to issues with CATIA links and lost files. Contact support 11/27/2012 9
13 th Catia Forum CATDUAV5 Automation Easy to use CATIA cleaner tool. May fix errors in models Improves speed of assemblies Better stability of CATIA Use if often! 11/27/
13 th Catia Forum CartWeb Error If CartWeb shows: "error 404 page not found“ – Login to EDMS using Internet Explorer – Then try CartWeb again. 11/27/
13 th Catia Forum Knowledge Base The knowledge base contain tips and tricks from users. Latest example : Generate a PDF from an out of format drawing. Generate a PDF from an out of format drawing 11/27/
13 th Catia Forum New FAQs Update Chained dimensions High quality sectioning How to generate optimized STL files How to develop a sketch on any surface 13 11/27/2012
Thanks for your attention! 11/27/