International work on classifications – Methods and tools United Nations Statistics Division
What classifications are part of our work?
Statistical Commission Established: 16 th February members, according to geographical distribution pattern: –5 members from Africa –4 members from Asia –4 members from Eastern Europe –4 members from Latin America & Caribbean –7 members from Western European and other States 4 years membership 1 meeting per year (since 1999)
Statistical Commission Commission shall assist the Economic & Social Council: –“In promoting the development of national statistics and the improvement of their comparability; –In the coordination of the statistical work of specialized agencies; –In the development of the central statistical services of the Secretariat; –In advising the organs of the United Nations on general questions relating to the collection, analysis and dissemination of statistical information; –In promoting the improvement of statistics and statistical methods generally.”
Work on Classifications UN Statistical Commission UNSDILOUNESCOWHO Member countries
Work on Classifications UN Statistical Commission UNSDILOUNESCOWHO Member countries Expert Group on International Economic and Social Classifications
Expert Group Central coordinating body for classification matters Ensures harmonization and convergence among classifications in the family Recommends, examines changes/updates Adopts schedules for updates Can install subgroups
Work on Classifications UNSC EGUNSD Economic Classifications (Activities, products, expenditures) Trade Classifications Time Use Classification Technical Subgroup
Work on Classifications UNSC EG UNSD Economic Classifications (Activities, products, expenditures) Trade Classifications Time Use Classification Technical Subgroup
Work on Classifications UNSD Economic Classifications (Activities, products, expenditures) Technical Subgroup Other sources: - Workshops - Regional groups - Convergence project - Classifications Hotline
Technical Subgroup currently there’s one TSG, concerned with revisions of ISIC, CPC –Created by the Expert Group in 1999 Reports back to Expert Group Generally: carry out technical, analytical or exploratory tasks
Technical Subgroup Generally: carry out technical, analytical or exploratory tasks: –Concept discussions –Papers on special issues –Drafting of proposals for classification structures –Maintain contact with other groups and national offices –Rulings on interpretation issues –Review additional inputs
Work on Classifications UNSC EG UNSD Economic Classifications (Activities, products, expenditures) Trade Classifications Time Use Classification Technical Subgroup
Economic Classifications in UNSD ISIC CPC Classifications of Expenditure According to Purpose: –COFOG –COICOP –COPNI –COPP Others…
Next steps for UNSD ISICCPCSITCCOFOG.. * - Update * * ??2007?
Revision Process for ISIC/CPC Initial questionnaire Recorded ISIC/CPC issues Concepts paper Draft high-level structure (ISIC) Regional workshops Country questionnaire Complete ISIC draft Country review Final ISIC draft TSG
Information exchange Classifications hotline (CHL) –Contact for interpretation questions, proposals, clarifications etc. Fax: 1 (212)
Information exchange Classifications website –General information and meeting information (EG, TSG, WS) –Classifications registry Updated classifications Revision process Interpretations, Rulings, Proposals –Country monitoring