Connecting With YOUR Profession: The Representative Assembly Needs YOUR voice
Objectives After this session participants will be able to: Discuss the role of the representative assembly (RA) within the AOTA Discuss the Motions from 2011 RA meeting in Philadelphia Locate material pertaining to the Representative Assembly and the 2012 RA motions Discuss the 7 Motions presented to the RA for vote in 2012 at Indianapolis Describe several methods for casting a vote Review the benefits of membership in AOTA
AOTA Centennial Vision 2017 We envision that occupational therapy is a powerful, widely recognized, science-driven, and evidence-based profession with a globally connected and diverse workforce meeting society’s occupational needs.
RA Motion information is located in: OT Practice, March 12 issue, pg Additional material is located on the AOTA website under the “Get Involved” tab
What Happens in the Assembly… Representative Assembly of AOTA –Policy setting body for AOTA –Approximately 75 voting members from organizations within AOTA and representatives from all states.
Makeup of the RA Representative Assembly Commission on Education Commission on Practice Commission on Standards and Ethics CCCPD Special-interest Section Steering Committee Agenda Committee Bylaws Policies and Procedures Committee Credential Review and Accountability Committee Nominating Committee Recognitions Committee
Texas: RA Voice The number of voting representatives by state is determined by the AOTA membership –Representatives are based on the percentage of AOTA members who reside in a state –When the percentage reaches 5% of the total AOTA membership the state is granted a SECOND voting representative Texas currently has one representative based on a membership of 4.74% –An additional 69 OT or OTA members are needed for Texas to be granted a second representative
2011 RA Highlights Motion 1(Defeated): Membership Momentum, establish a membership opportunity for occupational therapy practitioners who have never been members of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) Motion 2(Defeated): Revision to AOTA Code of Ethics and Standards (2010) Motion 3(Defeated): Amend AOTA Policy to include wording which expands the accepted level of education for the OTA from the associate degree to additionally include bachelor degree level Motion 4(Defeated): Recommend that ACOTE change its Standards to read: “Effective July 1, 2013, all OTA programs must be offered at the associate or bachelor degree levels to retain ACOTE accreditation
2011 RA Highlights Motion 5(Passed): Development of a Specialized Knowledge and Skills in Complex Seating and Wheeled Mobility Motion 6(Passed): Develop a Policy Fact Sheet on Complex Rehabilitation Technology ITEMS FOR ACTION Report of the Vice Speaker Motion 1(Passed): Adopt the document, Societal Statement on Health Literacy Report of the Commission on Education (COE) Motion 2(Passed): Revise the Statement paper: Philosophical Base of Occupational Therapy Report of the Commission on Practice (COP) Motion 3(Passed):.Adopt the position paper on the Role of Occupational Therapy in End of Life Care (revised 2011)
2011 RA Highlights Report of the Continuing Competence and Professional Development (CCCPD) Motion 4(Passed):.Implement a Phase I Exploratory Panel to determine member interest and need for a specialty certification in school systems. Report of the Bylaws, Policies & Procedures Committee (BPPC) Motion 5(Passed):.Adopt the revised policies Report of the Nominating Committee (and) Report of the recognition Committee Motion 6(Passed): Adopt the Nominating and Recognitions Committees Implementation Plan as presented to the Representative Assembly, dated January 14, 2011 Report of the President (Part 1) Motion 7(Passed): Adopt the Definition of Occupational Therapy Practice for the AOTA
Recent activity of the RA AOTA on-line RA meeting currently in session Nov. 1-10, 2011 –Mentorship award –Updating of documents and statements –Bylaws and procedures Next face-to-face meeting is April 2012 in Indianapolis IN
To Review RA actions RA motions and items are located under the –“get involved tab”, –“Representative Assembly tab”” Note: you will need to login with your user name and password
From the 2011 Meeting Charge the Speaker to develop an Ad Hoc Committee to evaluate the current operations and functions of the RA 1. Review and revision of standard operating procedures. 2. Structure/function of the existing committees, commissions, and councils. 3. Leadership development 4. Communication to address how business is done and changes that would increase the responsiveness of the RA to keep pace with Association and professional needs.
Resulted in 2012 motions: Motion 1 Form an Ad Hoc Committee to develop a recruitment program for current and past members of ASD and other AOTA members interested in participating in the Representative Assembly Support and provide tools for recruiting volunteer leaders. Develop leadership capacities of students and AOTA members interested in serving on the RA Increase knowledge and interest of AOTA members to run for elected positions Estimated cost $2090
RA 2012: Motion 2 Direct the Recognitions and Nominating Committees to develop SOP, Job Descriptions and a transition plan with the BPPC for development and implementation of the Volunteer Leadership Development Committee Develop leadership capacities of AOTA members Develop participation of AOTA members in AOTA activities Efficiently and effectively align the right person with the right activities Create more opportunities for member participation Increase members’ understanding of opportunities to participate Expand invitations to members to participate Clarify and communicate roles and responsibilities Provide a greater pool of members from which to choose Estimated cost $5200
RA 2012: Motion 3 Direct the RALT to develop a process for motions and timelines for soliciting/accepting motions. Further charge the RALT with developing guidelines for AOTA members to seek support from their RA Representative Increase efficiency and effectiveness of soliciting and accepting motions Increase AOTA members’ involvement in AOTA initiatives, practice trends and policy trends Promote increased participation of AOTA members in professional policy development Establish consistency in process for motions generated by members and action items generated from the reports of volunteer leadership Estimated cost $2235
RA 2012: Motion 4 Establish regionally-based RA Leadership Networking Communities. Form 8 RA Leadership Networking Communities (regional clusters of state/election areas) Charge each RA Leadership Networking Community to self- appoint a Chair (Representative) Assign at least 1 RALT or RACC member to each RA Leadership Community Recommend each Leadership Networking Community to hold 3-4 meetings per year by conference call Have each Leadership Networking Community submit a brief report of issues/discussion to the Speaker after each meeting Estimated cost $10,464
RA 2012: Motion 5 Motion 5: On behalf of the Representative Assembly Operations and Functions Ad Hoc Committee, I move to eliminate the Alternate Representative position.
RA 2012: Motion 6 Establish a Representative–Elect position to serve for 1 year beginning July 1 of the year following their election. The term of office of a Representative would continue to be a 3-year term and a Representative shall continue to not be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms in the same position Rep-Elect (elected) X Rep (assumes term) Estimated cost: $8500
RA 2012: Motion 7 Establish an OTA Representative–Elect position. Elect positions shall serve for 1 year and assume office July 1 in the year following their election. The term of office of a Representative would continue to be a 3-year term and a Representative shall continue to not be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms in the same position Estimated cost $500
Other RA Activity There are several items before the RA which do not require membership vote, they include: –Provide information from OT connections to the RA, RALT, RACC –Develop guidelines for “civil discourse” –Develop electronic resources to aid in disseminating information
How to have a voice? Please provide your Texas voice and vote to: –Timothy A Reistetter, OTR PhD –5319 Bayou Drive –Dickinson Texas Paper ballot included with this presentation By to your RA representative Check the TOTA website AOTA website
Vote Electronically AOTA website: Get Involved Representative Assembly Representative Assembly (RA) Spring Meeting Give your feedback to the RA
Benefits of AOTA Membership AOTA is the only national association exclusively interested in occupational therapy AOTA offers continuing education to members at a 30% discount AOTA has 11 Special Interest Sections devoted to sharing practice innovations Again, an additional 69 OT or OTA members give Texas a second representative & voice
AOTA advocacy influences Congress
Comments & Questions? Timothy A Reistetter OTR, PhD Texas RA representative