Fry Words Read the words, phrases and sentences before they disappear.
new a new pet Bob has a new pet.
work go to work Did Dad go to work today?
sound that sound What is that sound?
know I know how I know how to do my work.
take She can take She can take two steps.
place save my place Save my place in line.
little my little dog Have you seen my little dog?
live We live We live in a nice house.
only only has Sam only has three books.
year year it is I know what year it is.
me is after me A big dog is after me!
after ran after her A bull ran after her!
back to the back Go to the back of the line.
thing this thing This thing can live in your house.
give you give this Will you give this to your Mom?
our our name is Our name is on the mailbox.
most the most I like you the most.
just he is just He is just five years old.
very is very little That black cat is very little.
name Write your name Write your name on that book.