Jaguar by Bethany Phelps
Physical Characteristics Jaguars are spottedJaguars are spotted Males can weigh 250 poundsMales can weigh 250 pounds Their tails are 6 feet longTheir tails are 6 feet long Jaguars are the 3rd largest catJaguars are the 3rd largest cat
Habitat b On the continent of South America b They live in the rainforest, swamps and open country b Found in the understory layer env-studies/geo/
How does it hunt? b Hooked claws for climbing and catching fish b stalk prey on the ground b at the top of the rainforest food web
Babies b give birth to 2-4 young b born blind b adult size by age 4 b can live up to 22 years
Fun Facts b The only cat that doesn’t roar Only cat that likes to swim!Only cat that likes to swim!
Environmental Concerns b Jaguars are endangered for two reasons rainforest cut down for cattle to grazerainforest cut down for cattle to graze hunted for their furhunted for their fur Save the rainforest, eat chicken!
Comprehension Questions b How long can a jaguar’s tail be? b What continent are jaguars found? b Does another animal in the rainforest hunt the jaguar? b Can a baby jaguar see when it is born?
Works Cited Research and pictures found at Animals of the Rainforest b b rames.htm