POLICING COMPETENCY FRAMEWORK Date POLICING COMPETENCY FRAMEWORK From Constable to Commissioner: A Framework to Support HR Mgmt & Training Stanhope 2010
Policing Competency Framework a PSC update Culmination of: 3 Years of Research Reflects Canadian and International Best Practices 70+ member Steering Committees 70+ Contributing Police Organizations Validation with over 700 SMEs A Framework To Support Police HR Mgmt & Training
Council Backdrop Who What Why How
“Connecting forces - securing futures” WHO WHO - Mandate Police Services 209 Academies 15 Governments F/P/T/ M Employees 84,000 “Connecting forces - securing futures” we facilitate policing organizations, partners, stakeholders to implement innovative, practical and shared mgmt solutions
Who - PSC Board includes all stakeholders CAPB CACP FCM
Director Administration WHO WHO - our governance Currently 11: CACP - pres CAPB - v pres FCM - v pres CPA - director RCMP - CHRO PS - DG BC - ADM SASK - ADM NB - ADM Academies - APA CAPE - pres Board of Directors Director Executive Director Administration Secondments HR Director of Programs Committee Audit Networks SLAG Researchers Policy/ planners Practitioners Educ/Training CAPE - Governance Justice Ministries network
No. of Services in category WHAT WHAT - Our focus Service Size No. of Employees No. of Services in category Very Large >1000 15 Large 300 to 999 16 Medium 100 to 299 40 Small 25 to 99 60 Very Small < 25 78 Total 209 178 85%
WHAT WHAT - we really are … “networks” - communities of practice - with a mission of improved HR planning and management Volunteers Recruiters Other Stakeholders HR Practitioners Researchers Strategic Planners E/T Professionals Strategic Leaders
HR PLANNING & MANAGEMENT POLICING EXCELLENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY WHAT WHAT we do … Recruitment & Selection COMPETENCY-BASED HR PLANNING & MANAGEMENT Training & Development Leadership Development & Succession Planning Performance Management POLICING EXCELLENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY leveraging and developing common HR tools improving performance management providing HR support for policing excellence - sustainability
WHY - the “Perfect Storm” three advancing “low pressure systems” changing face – demographics changing work – demands, complexity changing management – budgets, governance an urgency to act demographic change is relentless competition for resources are increasing workforce leadership turnover is underway demands on public policing - growing more complex technological advancements expensive budgets are strained and inflexible “bottom line” - we’re vulnerable committed, focused and integrated action by all policing is required immediately
HOW - Value Proposition - products & services information - website as virtual library - research, tools, news training - “free” national e-learning courses - partner with CPKN diversity, ethics, firearms verification, mental health HR tools guides, tools - competency-based occupational standards social marketing campaign/ e-candidate portal employee database research youth - perceptions of policing longitudinal study( Ipsos-Reid) environmental scan - national scan communications and support - e-watch, workshops, “networks” - E&T professionals HR practitioners recruiters strategic planners researchers Strategic Leadership Advisory Group
Policing Competency Framework now complete Culmination of: 3 Years of Research Reflects Canadian and International Best Practices 70+ member Steering Committees 70+ Contributing Police Organizations Validation with over 700 SMEs A Framework To Support Police HR Mgmt & Training
Policing Competency Framework - roles fully defined Chief Deputy Chief Chief Superintendent Superintendent Inspector Staff Sergeant Sergeant Constable
Policing Competency Framework … Job Analysis Extensive Research – national and international Review of existing practices/materials Interviews Focus Groups Surveys Validation with 500+ SMEs
Policing Competency Framework … Rank Job Description Chief Deputy Chief Chief Superintendent Superintendent Inspector Staff Sergeant Sergeant Constable Rank – Staff Sergeant General Policing Role Manages the operations of a division of a police service. They supervise and coordinate activities of uniform officers and personnel engaged in providing services within the police service.
Policing Competency Framework … Rank Task Lists Chief Deputy Chief Chief Superintendent Superintendent Inspector Staff Sergeant Sergeant Constable
Inspector Task List Main Task Areas Ensure application of relevant legislation, policies, procedures Ensure policing equipment and technology is available to support policing activities Maintain safety of self and others Develop strategic plan for area of responsibility Lead and support change Oversee administrative functions of area of responsibility Direct operations in area of responsibility Manage financial resources Oversee human resources management Oversee community policing Maintain media relations
Inspector Task List - Oversee HR Mgmt
Inspector Task List - Oversee HR Mgmt
Policing Competency Framework … Rank Competencies Chief Deputy Chief Chief Superintendent Superintendent Inspector Staff Sergeant Sergeant Constable
What are Competencies? Observable abilities, skills, knowledge, motivations or traits defined in terms of the behaviours needed for successful job performance.
Constable Competency Profile Adaptability Ethical Accountability and Responsibility Interactive Communication Organizational Awareness Problem Solving Risk Management Stress Tolerance Teamwork Written Skills
Policing Competency Framework … Rank Job Desc. Tasks Competencies Chief Deputy Chief Chief Supt. Superintendent Inspector Staff Sergeant Sergeant Constable
Policing Competency Framework - Leadership Development Leadership Level Rank Executive Chief Deputy Chief Senior Mgmt Chief Supt. Superintendent Mid-Level Mgmt Inspector Staff Sergeant Front Line Mgmt Sergeant Constable
Policing Competency Framework - Leadership Development Leadership Level Description Competencies Rank Executive Chief Deputy Chief Senior Mgmt Chief Supt. Superintendent Mid-Level Mgmt Inspector Staff Sergeant Front Line Mgmt Sergeant Constable
Policing Competency Framework COMPLETED Leadership Level Rank Job Desc. Tasks Comps Executive Chief Deputy Chief Senior Chief Supt. Supt. Mid-Level Inspector Staff Sgt. Front Line Sergeant Constable
Policing Competency Framework Policing now has a common language and national understanding of work tasks associated with general duty policing at all levels underlying competency requirements Framework includes: Shared Policing Competency Dictionary Job Descriptions by rank Task Lists by rank Competency Profiles by rank
Policing Competency Framework is well supported by practical information and tools Guides – six instructive guides to support implementation Toolkit – over 40 templates and tools
Introductory Guide A Guide to CBM in Police Services describes competency based management and explores the benefits of CBM implementations offers information and tools to support competency based management for four key Human Resource areas: recruitment, selection and promotion learning and development performance management succession management includes: information theory step-by-step instructions practical tips relevant research describes use of Toolkit items
Policing CBM Guides A Guide to CBM in Police Services A Guide to Constable Selection A Guide to Executive Selection A Guide to Succession Mgmt A Guide to Leadership Development A Guide to Police Coaching & Mentorship all include: information theory step-by-step instructions practical tips relevant research describes use of Toolkit items
Policing CBM Toolkit includes over 40 tools and templates that police services can use and customize according to their needs includes (sample): competency resources by rank interview guides by rank reference check guides by rank learning plan templates performance management templates succession management templates recommended additional readings reference
Policing Competency Framework … Informs HR Mgmt Recruitment & Selection COMPETENCY-BASED HR PLANNING & MANAGEMENT Training & Development Leadership Development & Succession Planning Performance Management POLICING EXCELLENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY
Policing Competency Framework … Informs HR Mgmt To access the Policing CBM Materials please email Portia Dewhirst pdewhirst@policecouncil.ca