To ensure a safe, secure and peaceful Bermuda for all, because we care."
To compel or force people to obey the law. The governor shares the responsibility for the police force with the Minister of Labour, Home Affairs and Public Safety, Senator Lt. Colonel David Burch
Commissioner of Police Deputy Commissioner Assistant Commissioner Superintendent Chief Inspector Inspector Sergeant Constable
Can Crazy Dopey Dogs And And Sleepy Stupid Children Cats Investigate In Serious Sally’s Crimes Cabin Can you come up with your own?
Bermuda is divided into three police Districts or Divisions: Central Division Eastern Division Western Division Can you name the parishes in each location?
Administration and Finance Community Relations Crime Prevention Criminal Investigations Department (CID) Cycle Squad Marine Section Motor Cycle Patrol Section Narcotics Department Outward Bound Parish Constables Traffic Department Training School
The police are responsible for the general safety of the community. This includes… Protecting life and property Maintaining law and order Preventing and detecting crime Keeping the peace Prosecuting people who break the law
Be between the ages of 19 and 40 Must be at least 5ft 8in for men and 5ft 4in for women Must pass a physical and medical examination, including an eyesight test. Must pass an entrance examination which includes basic writing, mathematics and reasoning skills. Must be honest and have a good character
Warrant: A written order, signed by a magistrate or a justice of the peace, giving authority to either arrest someone or to search a place or building. Summons: A call or citation by authority to appear before a court or a judicial officer. Bail: released or free as a result of having paid Parole: the conditional release of a person from prison prior to the end of the maximum sentence imposed. mework: Write a sentence
Write a well constructed paragraph on Law Enforcement Using all key terms and at least 2 facts from the Power Point. Be prepared to share your paragraph next class.