Animal Science
Careers in Animal Science Most entry-level jobs require a high school diploma About 20 percent of the careers in agriscience require college degrees Some positions, such as a veterinarian, require a 4 year college degree, plus an advanced degree and special training in addition to the degree
Careers in Animal Science Positions, such as veterinarians, perform highly technical tasks such as embryo transfers The high school agriculture class is a good place to begin career preparation because of the total program of FFA, class, and SAE The largest number of new employment positions in agriscience is expected to be scientists and engineers
Careers in Animal Science Small Animal Industry Used for pets, animal research, food, and fur Technicians and growers are needed (require college training) Kennels Pet Stores Animal Hospitals and more Equine Industry Expanding due to the interest in horses for pleasure and show Farriers – shoe and care for horses’ feet
What are the different types of animals?
Beef Cattle Breeds
English Breeds Angus Hereford Shorthorn
Angus Black breed of cow. Known for excellent meat quality.
Hereford Red cattle with white face.
Shorthorn Have been used in the bloodlines of more than 30 recognized breeds of beef cattle.
Exotic Breeds Imported into the United States when consumers began demanding leaner meat. Have calves that grow faster than English breeds.
American Breeds Developed to withstand the heat and resistance to disease and parasites in the South and Southwest. Results from crossing Brahman cattle from India with English Breeds. The result of the cross was increased heat tolerance and disease and parasite resistance of Brahman and the meat quality of the English breeds.
Dairy Cattle Breeds
Holstein 90% of dairy cattle in U.S. Known for their black and white markings
Swine Breeds
Swine Industry Changed from lard type hogs to lean type hogs today. Types of Swine Operations: Feeder-Pig Producers Market-Hog Producers Purebred producers produce high-qualty boars to: Improve genetic makeup of one breed. Purebred boars bred to crossbred sows increase hybrid vigor.
Swine Breeds - American Landrace - American Landrace White color Long Body Long lobed forward ears Large litters Mothering ability Originated in Denmark
Swine Breeds - Duroc - Duroc ► Red color ► Drooped ears ► Good growth rate ► Good feed conversion
Swine Breeds - Hampshire - Hampshire ► Black with white belt ► Erect ears ► Good muscle production ► Very lean
Yorkshire ► White color ► Erect ears ► Known for a large litter ► Good feed efficiency ► High growth rate ► Good mothering ability ► Long carcasses Swine Breeds - Yorkshire -
Swine Identification You will now make your own pig ears to identify.
Poultry Breeds
Broilers Young chickens grown for their meat Often Cornish
Layers Developed to produce a huge number of eggs. Often White Leghorn
Bantams Miniature versions of standard breeds. Used primarily for show.
Turkeys 90% of turkeys grown commercially are Broad- Breasted White