Kim Ward and Pat Auger
Why is evaluation of technology literacy and use important to students, educators, the community, and our society? Outcome/Mega: Technology literacy to meet the needs of everyday life as well as the work place is an important aspect of education. Output/Macro: Producing technology literate graduates. Product/Micro: All students will pass the Technology Literacy Assessment in the 8 th grade. Process: School improvement planning along with staff development will include methods for implementing ActivBoard use in classroom instruction. Input: Community and school system invested thousands of dollars for interactive whiteboards throughout the school system. Invested time and personnel for in-service training.
Conceptual Guide AdvancED team found gaps in technology used. Technology primarily for teacher presentation. AdvancED team found gaps in technology mastery by students. Teachers, students, administrators, and community leaders are stakeholders in technology integration due to funds allocated to ActivBoards as well as preparing a technology proficient work force.
Purpose: The purpose of the evaluation is determine the amount of interactive whiteboard use, type of interactive whiteboard use, positive aspects of whiteboard use, and challenging aspects of interactive whiteboard use. Formative evaluation in that the integration and in- service training for interactive whiteboards is ongoing.
Evaluation questions: Are ActivBoards used in the classroom? How do students and teachers use the ActivBoard for instruction and learning? What are the positive aspects and challenging aspects of teacher and student interaction with the ActivBoard?
Evaluation Tools Administrator observation checklist and the evaluator observation check sheet will provide hard data about ActivBoard use. Teacher survey and teacher focus group, will provide soft data for how the ActivBoard is used for instruction and learning. Administrator checklist will provide hard data for how the ActivBoard is used for instruction and learning. The teacher survey and teacher focus group will provide soft data about teacher perceptions of positive aspects and challenging aspects of ActivBoard use for teachers and students.