SOCIAL POLICY Guidance on sports, societies and groups organising social activity Asks that you are respectful of local residents and bare in mind you represent the union and university
DATA PROTECTION POLICY Protection of student data Not to share with third parties Respectful and mindful BCC s Examples, shredding of fresher fair sign up sheets (shredders available in SU) Certain members have access to NUS Digital – keep information available private
EXTERNAL SPEAKERS POLICY Freedom of expression and speech are basic human rights to be protected and are protected by law Open debate is central to the culture of academic freedom, the development of students ideas and understanding and is protected by an act of parliament relating to freedom of speech and academic freedom on campus That said student safety and welfare is at the heart of York St John union’s policies and practices As such, the freedom to express views can sometimes be tempered by the need to secure freedom from harm for students and communities Where there is a potential for these rights to come into conflict in relation to controversial speakers, YSJSU is committed to collaboration that will allow the union to reach sound, evidenced judgements about the organisation or person in question and that allows the union to meet its various legal obligations Form available for students to fill in (subject to Senate approval)
WHAT THIS POLICY COVERS The scope of the procedure relates to: Behaviour within the Students’ Union Building. Students’ Union sponsored or organised activity, individual or group. Any matter referred to the Students’ Union by the University. Any matter considered appropriate by the Students’ Union Executive Committee.
WHEN THIS POLICY IS USED If a student group breaches the Constitution, Union Policy, their own constitution, or reasonable requirements set down by Executive Committee, this will be dealt with under this procedure. The Students’ Union will publish a set of House Rules, a general statement of expectation on customer behaviour and discipline. This will be updated annually, available on our website and will be posted in a prominent place in the Union Building.
HOW IT WORKS … When an incident has occurred, an incident report or statement will be completed and forwarded to the President. Once an incident report has been received, the President will make an assessment based on the evidence in the report how to proceed – with regard as to whether it shall be dealt by the Students’ Union, whether it should be referred to the University, or whether the Police should be engaged. If the President feels there is a conflict of interest in handling the disciplinary case, or where s/he feels it necessary, the case can be referred to the Discipline Committee.
… HOW IT WORKS CONTINUED … Once an incident report or statement has been filed the President will, within five working days, contact the student or group involved to inform them that they are under investigation. In certain circumstances this may be accompanied by a temporary suspension of membership privileges - this may include, but not be limited to, access to the Union Building. The temporary suspension of membership privileges is directly in line with the University Code of Discipline.
… HOW IT WORKS CONTINUED … Once an initial investigation has been completed the President will then invite those involved in the incident to an investigatory hearing, either individually or collectively. On the balance of the collected evidence, the President will then make a decision regarding the outcome of the investigatory hearing. The President may: o Dismiss the allegation o Issue a penalty appropriate to the case o Refer the case to the Discipline Committee or University for further investigation
MORE INFORMATION The full Policy & Procedure can be found on the Students’ Union website: Other related Policies such as the Students’ Union ‘House Rules’ can also be found here. Please do take time to look at these full policies and feed back and comments to the President as the policy will be being reviewed soon.