Slide 1 Task 38 Australia New Zealand Participating Countries USA Canada Croatia Austria The Netherlands Denmark UK Sweden Norway Finland Ireland Task 38 Greenhouse Gas Balances of Biomass and Bioenergy Systems Ken Byrne, Department of Environmental Resource Management, University College Dublin
Slide 2 Task 38 Participating Countries 1/2 National CountryTeam LeaderInstitution AustraliaA. CowieState Forests New South Wales AustriaB. SchlamadingerJoanneum Research CanadaT. HattonCanadian Forest Service, NRCan CroatiaS. Fijan- ParlovEKONERG DenmarkN. HedingDanish Forest and Landscape Research Inst. FinlandI. SavolainenVTT- Processes K. PingoudVTT- Processes IrelandK. ByrneUniversity College Dublin
Slide 3 Task 38 Participating Countries 1/2 Country National Team Institution Leader New Zealand K. Robertson Forest Research Norway B. Solberg Agricultural University of Norway Sweden L. Gustavsson Mid Sweden University The NetherlandsK. Kwant NOVEM A. Faiij Utrecht University United KingdomR. Matthews Forestry Commission Research Agency USA M. Ringer National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Slide 4 Task 38 Objectives – scientific Develop, compare and make available models for assessing GHG balances Assess the life cycle GHG balance of bioenergy and C sequestration systems Analyze the country and regional potential of bioenergy, afforestation and other biomass based mitigation strategies Identify and analyze synergies between afforestation and other land based activities for carbon sequestration and enhanced bioenergy use
Slide 5 Task 38 Objectives – implementation Aid decision makers in selecting mitigation strategies that optimize GHG benefits Assist in the implementation of LULUCF articles of the Kyoto Protocol Contribute to work of the IPCC/OECD/IEA related to GHG inventories involving carbon sequestration, wood products, or bioenergy Contribute to the development of international standards for GHG accounting and verification in LULUCF sectors
Slide 6 Task 38 Systems-analytical assessment of GHG (CO 2, CH 4, N 2 O) balances, flows, stocks, emissions in biomass production, biomass conversion and carbon sequestration systems. Carbon pools include: above and below- ground biomass, litter and woody debris, soils, wood products, fossil fuel reservoirs. Work Scope 1/2
Slide 7 Task 38 Investigation of trade-offs within and among these systems Analysis on short-term vs. long-term mitigation effects, considering the time value of carbon Cost / benefit analysis of GHG mitigation through biotic options Involvement of industrial participants with a view on implementing biomass- based GHG mitigation projects Work Scope 2/2
Slide 8 Task 38 Task 38 work (2001 – 2003) Completed work: Frequently Asked Questions paper Task 38 Folder Current and upcoming work: Country reports Case Studies Country Specific Baselines Soil Carbon and Bioenergy Biofuel Trade
Slide 9 Task 38 Country Reports Background information on the general energy system and GHG emissions, on bioenergy systems and on national LULUCF situation Bioenergy and carbon sequestration policies and measures at national, regional and local levels Bioenergy and carbon sequestration implementation projects and research programmes
Slide 10 Task 38 Case Studies1/2 Apply the ‘standard methodology’ to actual bioenergy and/or C sequestration projects Assess and compare GHG balances of different projects Compare to fossil energy systems Recommendations for optimizations 7 in participating countries
Slide 11 Task 38 Case Studies 2/2 Australia: GHG balance of 2 bioenergy systems (coal co- firing biomass, wood fired plant) from timber plantations; Canada: GHG balance of small pyrolysis plant for bio-Oil production using sawmill residues and thinnings; Finland and Sweden: GHG balances of increased use of construction wood and of biomass-fired CHP plants; Ireland: GHG budgets of peat use for energy in Ireland New Zealand: GHG balance of a bioenergy CHP plant using sawmill residues (in comparison to natural gas); UK: GHG balances of 2 small scaleheat systems, using conventional forestry and Miscanthus; Croatia: GHG reduction potential by biodiesel in context of Joint Implementation; USA: GHG reduction potential by anaerobic digestion.
Slide 12 Task 38 Key activities 1/2 Online Bibliography: Greenhouse Gas Balances of Bioenergy, Forestry, Wood Products, Land Use, and Land-Use Change Standard Methodology for GHG Balances of Bioenergy Systems (Biomass and Bioenergy) Position paper: The Role of Bioenergy in Greenhouse Gas Mitigation
Slide 13 Task 38 Key activities 2/2 Project-based Greenhouse Gas Accounting: Guiding Principles with a Focus on Baselines and Additionality (Energy Policy) Task Website (new structure under development) Posters, overheads Semi-annual workshops Workshop Proceedings electronic and hard copy
Slide 14 Task 38 Standard Methodology Carbon stock dynamics Trade-offs and synergies Permanence Emission factors Efficiency Up stream energy inputs By-products Leakage Other GHG’s
Slide 15 Task 38
Slide 16 Task 38 Workshop Topics 1/2 Carbon accounting and emissions trading related to bioenergy, wood products and carbon sequestration. Land-Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry: the road to COP6 Carbon sequestration and energy balance models Bioenergy for mitigation of CO2 emissions: the power, transportation and industrial sectors
Slide 17 Task 38 Workshop Topics 2/2 The role of bioenergy in achieving the targets stipulated in the Kyoto Protocol Effects of the Kyoto Protocol on forestry and bioenergy projects for GHG mitigation Forestry, Forest Products and Energy Biofuel Trade (jointly with Task 35)
Slide 18 Task 38 Australia New Zealand Participating Countries USA Canada Croatia Austria The Netherlands Denmark UK Sweden Norway Finland Ireland Task 38 Greenhouse Gas Balances of Biomass and Bioenergy Systems