historical and geographical factors
Its a well known fact, that history influences the life of ordinary people and of course the life of families. Such events like war, crisis, polical events and even hard winters and climate changes are important factors. Let us show you the life of Polish families since 50s till now…
50s were very difficult years for Poland and Polish families. The country was completely destroyed after II World War. It was also the beginning of building the communism in Poland. A lot of people were moving looking for work and better life. Inside country immigration was also a policy of new goverment. A lot of families lived in poverty and without electricity but people enjoyed the life after war…
A lot of families worked in agriculture. Poland, as the only one communistic country, kept private farms. In the cities struggle to get basic goods.
Insteed of the communistic system and the limits in access to the world culture young people in Poland were much different then their parents
In 60s the everyday life of families started to be easier. People had stability and felt safer so they got married, had children and bulit plans for the future.
Polish cartoons created in 60s became famous in a lot of countries and their heroes are still the mascots of Polish kids. We love them!!!
70s in Poland were the years of stability in economy and in political system. The end of 70s was the time of baby boom in Poland. The birtrate in Poland was over 10, its almost the same level as in the first years after the II world war.
If we compare Poland to western countries we were less developed but people in 70s had some benefits like cheap flats, cars, TVs, free education, healthcare and holidays for families. It caused the developement of family life.
The years were also hard winters in Poland with heavy snow and frost what gathered people together.
80s brought significal changes in people ordinary life. It is the time of crisis in economy, empty shops, endless queues, limited amounts of food, the time of rebels, strikes and street fights against the government. It ended the baby boom of 70s. The basic goods like meat, sugar, coffee etc were limited by law. The generation of teenagers in 80s was against everything – against the political system, religion and their parents way of life. They express themselves in music and appearience.
The final collapse of communist government in Poland in 1989 has changed every aspect of life in Poland. It created completely new life conditions. Different economical system fulled the shops but also caused the unemployment unknow in previous years. The beginning of 90s was difficult time of transformation what caused also the crises in family life – higher rate of devorces and lower birthrate.
Freedom of travelling, IT developement and the higher income has opened new possiblities for young people. The changes which their parents were not able to follow… It caused huge generation gap.
Access to EU has given us a lot of new opportunities and mobility of the people. Traditional style of life has dissappeared in big cities. Young people get married later and usually have one or two children.
The XXI century brought to Poland the new kinds of families, like single parents families, rainbow families and also the most sad one – EU children - children grown up by grandparents or by institutions because their parents moved to another countries…
The family life in obvious way is connected to the life conditions created by history. We believe in bright future of family and young people!
Class Ic