1 The Ocean Around Us Sixth Grade Ms. Kristina Bailey
2 How many Oceans are there? 5 Oceans in the world 5 Oceans in the world –Pacific Ocean –Atlantic –Indian –Southern –Artic
3 How big are the Oceans? The ocean is approximately 70% of the Earth’s surface. The ocean is approximately 70% of the Earth’s surface. Land only covers the other 30% of the Earth’s Surface. Land only covers the other 30% of the Earth’s Surface. All of the oceans consist of salt water. All of the oceans consist of salt water.
4 Ocean Facts The Pacific Ocean is the Largest Ocean The Pacific Ocean is the Largest Ocean The deepest part of the ocean is called the Challenger Deep. Only 2 people have been there. It is a 11, 034 meters deep, and even Mount Everest is not that tall! The deepest part of the ocean is called the Challenger Deep. Only 2 people have been there. It is a 11, 034 meters deep, and even Mount Everest is not that tall! The deep sea is where most ocean animals live and it is called the abyss The deep sea is where most ocean animals live and it is called the abyss
5 More Ocean Facts The life on earth today originated from the oceans. The life on earth today originated from the oceans. Coral lays at the bottom of the ocean and is extremely sharp. Coral lays at the bottom of the ocean and is extremely sharp.
6 Animals found in the ocean Whales Whales Dolphins Dolphins Fish Fish Crabs Crabs Sea Turtles Sea Turtles Seals Seals Swordfish Swordfish And many more… And many more…
7 Whales and Dolphins Mammals- warm blooded, give life birth, feed their young milk, breathe air, and have hair on their bodies Mammals- warm blooded, give life birth, feed their young milk, breathe air, and have hair on their bodies 75 different species 75 different species Some whales include the blue whale, killer whale, and humpback whale. Some whales include the blue whale, killer whale, and humpback whale.blue whale, killer whale, and humpback whaleblue whale, killer whale, and humpback whale Types of Dolphins are Atlantic Bottle Nose Dolphin, White Beak Dolphin, and many more. Types of Dolphins are Atlantic Bottle Nose Dolphin, White Beak Dolphin, and many more.Atlantic Bottle Nose Dolphin, White Beak Dolphin, and many moreAtlantic Bottle Nose Dolphin, White Beak Dolphin, and many more
8 Largest Mammal Largest Whale is the blue whale which is 200 tons and 110 feet long Largest Whale is the blue whale which is 200 tons and 110 feet long This would be about 83 elephants in weight. This would be about 83 elephants in weight.
9 Sharks Sharks have very powerful teeth Sharks have very powerful teeth They typically eat fish, dolphins, and seals They typically eat fish, dolphins, and seals Their sense of smell is why they are such good predators. Their sense of smell is why they are such good predators.
10 Endangered Animals in Oceans The reason why animals become extinct in the oceans is because of hunting, boating accidents, pollution and oil spills. The reason why animals become extinct in the oceans is because of hunting, boating accidents, pollution and oil spills. Example of animals that are endangered and are on the road to becoming extinct are Loggerhead sea turtle, Blue Whale, Right Whale, Humpback Whale, Hawksbill sea turtle, and the Atlantic Salmon. Example of animals that are endangered and are on the road to becoming extinct are Loggerhead sea turtle, Blue Whale, Right Whale, Humpback Whale, Hawksbill sea turtle, and the Atlantic Salmon.
11 Pollution in our Oceans There are many types of pollution that enters the oceans that harms the water, animals, and even humans. There are many types of pollution that enters the oceans that harms the water, animals, and even humans. Some examples are waste pollution, oil spills, and chemicals that are dumped into the ocean waters daily. Some examples are waste pollution, oil spills, and chemicals that are dumped into the ocean waters daily.oil spillsoil spills
12 Pollution in our Oceans How you can help? How you can help? –Cut the plastic off a six pack cans of soda. That plastic gets caught in ocean animals. –Do not throw litter of any sort in the ocean –Have your parents and you use public transportation, the less cars on the street the less pollution sent into our oceans.
13 Conclusion The oceans are a big part of our world today. The oceans are a big part of our world today. We have learned about different types of ocean animals, endangered species, and what pollutes the oceans. We have learned about different types of ocean animals, endangered species, and what pollutes the oceans. Use this fun word search to find words you heard in class today! Use this fun word search to find words you heard in class today!word search word search