Awareness, Attitudes and Strategies for Coping with Mental Health within the Farming Community Annabelle Kehoe 23 rd October 2013 Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Pauline Hyland Contact Details:
Rationale for my Research Personal experiences Growing rate of suicide in young male population Few studies focused on the farming community in Ireland Annabelle Kehoe
Aim of the Study To investigate levels of awareness of mental health among farming community, examine attitudes towards mental health and explore strategies to cope with mental health problems Annabelle Kehoe
Some Interesting Stats Agriculture - highest rate of suicide of all industries Central Statistics Office – 525 suicides in Ireland in 2011 (95 of those aged 15-24) – Mental health problems - reason for 82% suicides among farmers World Health Organisation – depression affects over 350 million In Ireland - association between suicide and alcohol misuse/abuse GROW- recession has led to increase in mental health illness issues Annabelle Kehoe
In a ‘See Change’ survey what percentage of people said they believe their partner would end a relationship if they were diagnosed with a mental health problem? a)7% b)22% c)51%
‘See Change’ Survey on Farmers -15% claim experience with mental health problems -72% would not want others to know about their mental health problem -33% would delay seeking treatment for fear of letting others know -39% would hide a mental health problem from friends -22% believe a partner would end a relationship if a mental health problem was diagnosed -29% believe friends would react by distancing themselves Annabelle Kehoe
Unique Challenges in Farming Operates as a way of life and occupation Role of farmer overlaps between work, family and home Unpredictable weather and crop and animal diseases Poor services in remote rural areas Stigma attached to mental health problems Confidentiality concerns in rural communities Few holidays Annabelle Kehoe
ProblemsFactors No confidant Financial worries Paperwork Legal problems Physical health Relationships Managerial control - older generation No mandatory retirement age Emotional support = a sign of weakness Emigration Lonely and isolated Annabelle Kehoe
Irish Study (Ni Laoire, 2001) Mainly men who stay in rural areas Men have fewer educational qualifications and less social mobility than women Farm can be a constraint tying them to home and local area Parental dependence tied to home until migration or marriage Remain in local area for farming and GAA – belong to a masculine, pub and football culture Annabelle Kehoe
Method 93 participants 58 and 35 58% aged under 25 and 42% over 25 paper-based questionnaires with helpsheet Advertisement Meetings Annabelle Kehoe
Findings Annabelle Kehoe
ServiceAwareUnaware UserNon-User Samaritans89 (96%)4 (4%) 2 (2%)91 (98%) Aware81 (87%)12 (13%) 1 (1%)92 (99%) Rape Crisis Net75 (81%)18 (19%) 093 (100%) Console69 (74%)24 (26%) 1 (1%)92 (99%) + Options55 (59%)38 (41%) 093 (100%) Young Mental Health Ireland55 (59%)38 (41%) 093 (100%) Nat’l Drugs & HIV36 (39%)57 (61%) 093 (100%) GROW26 (28%)67 (72%) 093 (100%) Bodywhys24 (26%)69 (74%) 093 (100%) Farm & Rural15 (16%)78 (84%) 093 (100%) Shine9 (10%)84 (90%) 093 (100%) Participant’s Awareness and Use of Mental Health Services Annabelle Kehoe
Coping Strategies WomenMen Emotional support Denial and self-blame (alcohol) Annabelle Kehoe
Coping Strategies Religion used among farming and rural communities U-25 use denial O-25 use emotional support Annabelle Kehoe
Partner with mental health services (AA, Al-Anon etc) Links to mental health services on club Facebook pages Mental health talks by services at County Exec meetings Adverts/Articles on Newsletter and Magazine Club/county officer training – module on mental health and ‘psychological first aid’ Mindfulness at meetings Charities - real life stories by survivors Online story-sharing initiative ‘Making a Ripple’ Online toolkit – helpful info available 24/7 Annabelle Kehoe
Talk about your worries Consult your doctor Visit websites on mental health Remember: YOU ARE NOT ALONE Discuss/share problems with family or a counsellor Contact other farming families in the community Contact government agencies for assistance Annabelle Kehoe
Any Questions? Contact Details: Annabelle Kehoe Annabelle Kehoe