TERENA News Update TERENA User Services related Activity IETF50, Minneapolis IETF User Services WG Yuri Demchenko, TERENA


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Presentation transcript:

TERENA News Update TERENA User Services related Activity IETF50, Minneapolis IETF User Services WG Yuri Demchenko, TERENA

USWG, IETF50, MinneapolisTERENA News Update IETF50Slide_2 Outlines  GNRT Edition of Yr2001  Portal Coordination Workshop

USWG, IETF50, MinneapolisTERENA News Update IETF50Slide_3 TERENA Guide to Network Resource Tools  Third Edition – Revised and Updated  Trial period till April 20, 2001 GNRT Section at TERENA website is the most popular –More than 50% of all web traffic Now in talk with AWL/Pearson Education about printing the new version Previous version was printed in October 1999 as “INTERNET User's Guide to Network Resource Tools Edition ”

USWG, IETF50, MinneapolisTERENA News Update IETF50Slide_4 GNRT - Yr2001 Edition Revision, Extensions and Updates (1)  Introduction (reduced former User Overview)  How to use the Guide  Responsible use of network (Netiquette, Spam, viruses etc.)  Web Searching  SE and Subject Gateways updated  Special purposes SE and Portals extended  FTP Search and Image Search  Specialist Tools  Directory/LDAP technologies update

USWG, IETF50, MinneapolisTERENA News Update IETF50Slide_5 GNRT - Yr2001 Edition Revision, Extensions and Updates (2)  Group Communication  , Mailing Lists sections – rewritten  Streaming technologies  Providing Information  Metadata/RDF and XML  Java/Interactive Web Tools  FTP  Security  Security Tools updated  Added information about CSIRT services

USWG, IETF50, MinneapolisTERENA News Update IETF50Slide_6 Other User Services TERENA Activity  User issues at TNC2001 TERENA Conference - Antalya, Turkey, May 2001  Advanced Networking Applications for Gigabit Networks  Technological aspects mostly  Multilingual/i18n issues in TERENA Technical Programme  Multilingual Support in Internet/IT Applications - European Multilingual Requirements  Portal Coordination Workshop  To coordinate Portal oriented projects at NRENs

USWG, IETF50, MinneapolisTERENA News Update IETF50Slide_7 Portal Coordination Workshop June 27-29, 2001, Amsterdam Follow-on activity of previous TERENA projects: –Clearing House for Internet related Project in Europe –REsearch Indexing Service for European NRENs (REIS)  Assist in dissemination of information in a multi-lingual environment using multilingual indexing system and cross-language searching  Brainstorm meeting – February 22, 2001 –Participants: UKERNA/UK, ILRT/Bristol, DFN/Germany, SURFnet/Netherlands, RedIRIS/Spain, CARNet/Croatia  Current webpage -

USWG, IETF50, MinneapolisTERENA News Update IETF50Slide_8 Portal Coordination Brainstorm Meeting February 22, Action list Taxonomy of Portal definitions Investigate any existing thesauri and classification schemes in computer science, IT and telecommunications. Investigate which public-domain software is available for auto-classification, and present overview of what they are and what they can do. Look at similar research & academic information access systems in other areas than computer science, IT and telecommunications, and study how these people have solved the problems discussed today. –To continue talks with Google and other SE Write draft proposal for activity as an input document for the workshop Organise Workshop on Portal Coordination among European NRENs on June 27-29, 2001

USWG, IETF50, MinneapolisTERENA News Update IETF50Slide_9 Existing thesauri and classification schemes in computer science, IT and telecommunications Very useful document: Practical area IETF SE (e.g. Yahoo!) SBIG Library CS

USWG, IETF50, MinneapolisTERENA News Update IETF50Slide_10 Portal Coordination Workshop – June 27-29, 2001 Main goal – Information Services for Professional/NREN Research and Education Community Recent developments in European Research and Education Networking –Prototype: Cooperation and collaboration in building cross-border portal information services - best of practice, common approach, standards and technologies Portal(s) as an element of building cooperative environment for information and experience exchange in Europe

USWG, IETF50, MinneapolisTERENA News Update IETF50Slide_11 Portal Coordination Workshop – June 27-29, 2001 Technological Issues Search and Indexing Techniques (relevant searching, adaptive searching, cooperative resource discovery, cross-searching automatic indexes and SBIG) Metadata and XML/RDF (semantic web and web-of-trust, trusted metadata environment) Information Quality and Quality ranking Image and Multimedia searching and metadata for multimedia information Cross-language searching (internationalisation and multilingual issues in indexing and searching) Electronic/virtual communities (Instant messaging, virtual and persistent presence, trusted communities) -- Legal issues and privacy --