OCLC Online Computer Library Center Partnering with OCLC for Cataloging and Selection ALA Midwinter January 20, 2007
OCLC Online Computer Library Center ALA Partnering Topics WorldCat Selection - David Whitehair WorldCat Cataloging Partners - Robin Buser
OCLC Online Computer Library Center WorldCat Selection David Whitehair
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Agenda WorldCat Selection overview How it works WorldCat Selection screens
OCLC Online Computer Library Center WorldCat Selection Based on Cornell’s Integrated Tool for Selection and Ordering at Cornell University Library (ITSO CUL) Released December 10, 2006
OCLC Online Computer Library Center WorldCat Selection... It’s So Cool! OCLC, Cornell and materials vendors partnering to help streamline selection and ordering process Allows selectors to view records from multiple vendors in one system and acquisitions staff to output WorldCat MARC records to load into the ILS to complete the ordering process
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Selecting items: vendor assisted vs. library initiated Subscription/standing order Vendor sends materials automatically, no return Approval plan Vendor sends materials based upon profile, reviewed by selectors with option to return Notification – WorldCat Selection helps Vendor sends printed slips or electronic notifications based upon profile, reviewed by selectors, and orders placed for items selected Firm orders Library staff initiated; based upon reviews, staff/patron recommendations, ILL requests, collection analysis gaps, etc.
OCLC Online Computer Library Center WorldCat Selection roles Administrators set up institution-wide settings Selectors view notification records to select or reject Acquisitions exports selected records to load into the ILS to finalize ordering process Each authorization number can have one, two, or all three roles
OCLC Online Computer Library Center How it works Material vendors: Provide bibliographic records to load into WorldCat Notify OCLC of notification items for individual libraries, along with additional vendor data OCLC: Loads the WorldCat data, vendor data, holdings information, etc., into WorldCat Selection
OCLC Online Computer Library Center How it works, continued Selectors: Access WorldCat Selection to view notification records from multiple vendors specific to the collection area Take actions such as select, reject, forward to another selector, defer Review/assign fund codes, location codes, price, etc. for selected items
OCLC Online Computer Library Center How it works, continued Acquisitions staff members: Export all selected records from all selectors and all vendors Load the selected records into the ILS Complete the order electronically from the ILS Optionally, WorldCat holdings are set automatically; or set holdings using Connexion, batchload or PromptCat
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Record distribution Vendor includes selector information If individual selector information is not included with the vendor data, records are distributed to selectors based on call number ranges or keywords defined by the administrator
OCLC Online Computer Library Center WorldCat Selection See Current list of participating vendors Enhancements list (planned throughout 2007) Documentation
OCLC Online Computer Library Center
WorldCat Cataloging Partners Robin Buser
OCLC Online Computer Library Center WorldCat Cataloging Partners Collaborative effort with materials vendors to reduce the cost of cataloging for libraries Delivers OCLC MARC records that match the materials you order through participating vendor partners and sets holdings automatically in WorldCat
OCLC Online Computer Library Center WorldCat Cataloging Partners for PromptCat vendors and libraries No changes to current processes New options 100% Cataloging Customized Cataloging
OCLC Online Computer Library Center WorldCat Cataloging Partners for CPp partners and libraries OCLC Cataloging Subscription New options available Libraries will be contacted 90 days before any change occurs
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Transition Progress Testing with new vendors Letters sent to Ambassador Books & Media libraries to transition
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