Using the Boudoir design templates
Overview The templates are for designing an album within Photoshop They make extensive use of layers There are 22 templates – all for square albums. Each template is a SPREAD (ie 2 open pages side by side) Assumption – you have some basic Photoshop skills Images are stock images from
Getting started Choose the template you want Choose the images that you want to use in that template Open the template in Photoshop + the images you want to use in that template Choose the images with the orientations in the design in mind! Images to be used Template for 2 images
Understanding the elements Aperture for Image 1 = layer 1 Aperture for Image 2 = layer 2
Moving image into template Using the “move tool” move the image onto template
Moving cont... The image is now on the template We have a new layer 4
Activating the aperture Make sure the new layer is directly above the aperture layer you want to place it into. Here we want the image (layer 4) into the black aperture (Layer 2) Then put the cursor between those two layers Keep the cursor in this position and press the “alt” key (keep it pressed down) When you see the cursor shape change, click your mouse, release the “alt” key The layers will now be joined
Layers now joined You should see now the layer has a down arrow next to it
Adjusting image into aperture Using the “move tool”. Move the image into place. You will see that the image is only visible within the aperture (black in this case) Adjust so that the image fills the aperture and you are happy with the position.
Next image Here I have moved the next image onto the template. The new ‘layer 5’ is at the top of the layer stack Hence you do not see the image, only the outline
Move layer We are looking to put the image into layer 1 aperture. Hence moving layer 5 to directly above layer one makes it visible now.
Next image Join the layers as we did for the first image and manipulate the image In this example there is some opacity
Opacity In this template, Layer 1 is set to 50% opacity. You can change this.
Layer 3 is a background design – you can change this to an image or your own design or a fill colour of your choice. Have changed the opacity to 100%
Final design
Note on edges & guide lines The piece on the outside of the guideline – this needs to be at least 2/3 rd ” because up to 1/8 th will be trimmed off In the templates you may have to adjust this to fit the size of the album you are designing. Centre guideline
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