WEBINAR ETIQUETTE Instruction is scheduled for 45 minutes. We start on time and we end on time. That’s our promise to you! Use the Q & A box to send questions to the facilitator during the presentation. Questions will be posed to the presenter as time permits. Your host will try to answer as many questions in this time period as possible. Please do not use the Q & A box to report technical issues. If you are experiencing technical issues, please hang up and call the National Service The presenter will not take time away from the broadcast to handle technical issues. Once you have connected to the conference call, if you must walk away or answer another phone, please hang-up and dial back in when you are finished. If you put the call on hold, the hold music is audible to everyone on the session. The session has to be stopped until you return to the phone. Thank you! We hope this webinar topic helps you and your council! Send comments or suggestions to:
Sara Parker-Lacobee Training Designer Volunteer Development Team Program Impact Department
Cub Scout Leaders ○ Youth Protection Training ○ This is Scouting ○ Cub Scout Leader Specific Training Pack Committee Cubmaster Den Leader What Makes a Trained Leader?
Scoutmasters and Assistants ○ Youth Protection Training ○ This is Scouting ○ Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training ○ Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills What Makes a Trained Leader?
Troop Committee Members ○ Youth Protection Training ○ This is Scouting ○ Troop Committee Challenge What Makes a Trained Leader?
Varsity Scout Leaders ○ Youth Protection Training ○ This is Scouting ○ Varsity Scout Leader Specific Training ○ Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills. What Makes a Trained Leader?
Venturing Crew Advisors, Assistants and Crew Committee Members Youth Protection Training This is Scouting and Venturing Leader Specific Training What Makes a Trained Leader?
Required Training What Makes A Trained Leader?
Basic Training Course Requirements What courses are required for each unit position?
Training Code List ScoutNET Training Codes List
Training Courses Report Select the Category tab and choose Training Courses then Create Report.
Top Leader Trained Reporting ScoutNET records must be updated using the accurate training code for the timeframe.
Online Learning Center myscouting.org
MyScouting Account IMPORTANT: After receiving a membership card a leader should log back into myscouting and update their profile In the Profile – add the membership ID number Links all trainings taken to their PAS record
Recording Training Records There are three methods for recording leader training.
Person Profile
Record Training
Training Not Completed Report