Module 11 – Jidoka – 0 defects LeanSigma® Facilitator Training Module 11 – Jidoka – 0 defects
Topics Jidoka Built in Quality – DFSS, DFLS, 3P……………………………………..6 - 7 Root cause analysis – Ishikawa diagram, 5 Whys, Pareto……8 - 17 Mistake proofing……………………………………………………………18 - 26
Lean Sigma has six steps to optimize processes. Lean has a methodology (similar to DMAIC for Six Sigma). You’ll will use this methodology each time you run a kaizen or lean project.
Without all the elements, the house falls! This module will focus on Jidoka aspects of the Toyota Production System. Jidoka “Built in” Quality Root Cause Analysis Mistake Proofing Principles of LeanSigma® Just in Time Jidoka Process Smoothing Without all the elements, the house falls! 4 - 4
Jidoka is a mindset that doesn’t allow errors to pass to customers. Allows processes to automatically detect abnormalities and prevent reoccurrence until corrected. Improves productivity by eliminating the need for people to supervise. Empowers employees at all levels to: Help solve problems To make decisions that affect them Be accountable for their work Improve productivity and quality Zero defects! KBE Module 3 - LeanSigma® Overview 4 - 5
Lean and Six Sigma have approaches to design new processes. Jidoka “Built in” Quality Root Cause Analysis Mistake Proofing Lean and Six Sigma have approaches to design new processes. Design for Six Sigma (DFSS), Design for Lean Sigma (DFLS) and the Production Preparation Process (3P) are approaches to build new processes that are efficient from the start rather than fixing existing ones. Because kaizens focus on fixing existing processes, new process design sessions have a different agenda and objectives than kaizens. If you can’t say that a process is followed 80% of the time, it’s best to approach it as a new process design.
DFLS sessions focus on customer needs. Steps in DFLS Map the high-level process in a SIPOC Discuss & prioritize the customer needs (VOC and Kano model) Prioritize the process requirements and characteristics Construct the new process Click for IMS notes on DFLS Contact your Lean leader if you think a new process design session is needed.
Root cause analysis – understanding problems helps us to solve them. Jidoka “Built in” Quality Root Cause Analysis Mistake Proofing Root cause analysis – understanding problems helps us to solve them. People Machine Method The Y Problem or Condition The X’s (Causes) Categories Material Measurement Environment Because of it’s shape, this is often called a fishbone or an Ishikawa diagram.
The “head” of the fish is a problem or condition. The X’s (Causes) People Machine Method The Y Problem or Condition Material Measurement Environment Categories Material Products The “Y” is a problem or condition: Late delivery Query responsiveness late Customer cancellations Supplier data is late
Y = f(X1…Xn) The “bones” of the fish are causes. Problem The X’s (Causes) People Machine Method The Y Problem or Condition Material Measurement Environment Categories “X’s” are those factors that may cause the problem or condition “Y”. Y = f(X1…Xn) Material Products The “Xs” or potential causes are organized into these categories: People Material Machine Measurement Method Environment
Examples What are some common root causes at IMS under each category? Measurement: The client’s definition of DAP differs from IMS’ definition. Key project is not included in PMPs. People: People don’t have the skills. Training doesn’t exist. The people responsible for the work don’t have the authority to make changes. Process: No documented process exist. There are too many manual steps. There are steps that don’t add any value.
Examples What are some common root causes at IMS under each category? Materials (Supplies): The supplier’s data was late. The supplier blocked access to some of their data. Equipment: The servers went down. A processing error occurred. Environment: Unions went on strike. A hurricane caused pharmacies to close. The government enforced new data privacy laws.
Fishbone diagrams are excellent kaizen tools. When process mapping, you will often see a decision point that has a “good” path and an exception path. If the percent of exceptions is higher than you would like, use the fishbone diagram to determine the causes. Correcting these causes will become part of your action plan. Why is the coding incorrect? No – 44% Code doctor data Coding correct? Fix coding errors Bridge data Yes 56%
The Five Whys tool can help you understanding underlying causes. Sometimes symptoms of the problem disguise themselves as root causes. A way to separate them is the Five Why’s approach. It is what it sounds like…keep asking why until the answers are “I don’t care. The root cause is the most basic explanation of a problem origin. If eliminated, it would prevent recurrence. Why, why, why, why, why?
Pareto tool can help you understand the vital few causes that cause 80% of issues. The 80-20 theory says that 80% of the impact comes from 20% of the causes. If you can identify the 20% correctly, you’ll be well on your way to fixing 80% of the problems. 80 / 20 15
The 80:20 Rule Examples • 20% of the time expended produced 80% of the results • 80% of your phone calls go to 20% of the names on your list • 20% of the streets handle 80% of the traffic • 80% of the meals in a restaurant come from 20% of the menu • 20% of the paper has 80% of the news • 80% of the news is in the first 20% of the article • 20% of the people cause 80% of the problems • 20% of the features of an application are used 80% of the time 16
Pareto charts show root causes as bar graphs. The most frequent occurrences are always shown on the left. The line above the bar chart shows the cumulative percent of occurrences. 80% of the issues originate here 17
Mistake-Proofing goes one step further than root cause analysis. Jidoka “Built in” Quality Root Cause Analysis Mistake Proofing Mistake-Proofing goes one step further than root cause analysis. Prevent Defects Determine Causes Rank/Sort Defects Identify Mistake Proofing C & E Quality Tools Hypothesis Testing Data Collection Pareto Check Sheet The goal of Poka-Yoke is to achieve “Zero Defects” Poka-Yoke involves both careful observation and data collection as well as ingenuity and creativity. Poka-Yoke prevents mistakes using simple, inexpensive solutions. We already know and have used the tools associated with the bottom 3 steps: First we identify the defects, Then we can quantify, rank and determine the “greatest offender” that needs to be fixed Next, we determine the root causes of the greatest offender Finally, we implement solutions to prevent the defect We will look further at this model later in the lesson.
Mistake-proofing (Poka Yoke) Examples Parking garages have low clearance. To insure that cars entering the garage will fit, garages are fitted with a go/no-go gauge at the entrance. Hitting the swinging sign or pipe will not damage the vehicle as much as driving into a concrete beam. This iron turns off automatically when it is left unattended or when it is returned to its holder. Need Guidon Examples, These are from the internet and require permission to use Written permission to use these examples can be obtained by writing a short request with your name and company affiliation. Generally, I am willing to extended permission free of charge, if you will include a reference to in your document or presentation. Fueling area of car has three mistake-proofing devices: filling pipe insert keeps larger, leaded-fuel nozzle from being inserted gas cap tether does not allow the motorist to drive off without the cap gas cap is fitted with ratchet to signal proper tightness and prevent over-tightening. Even bathroom sinks have a mistake-proofing device. It is the little hole near the top of the sink that helps prevent overflows. Hand washing and Safety Saw videos
Mistake-proofing is especially important in processes with people because we are prone to errors. Forgetfulness Misunderstanding/miscommunication Wrong identification, misread Lack of experience/knowledge Inattention Acting too slowly Absence of/poor standards Not following standards Poor judgment in unusual/emergency situations Willful commission Discuss the errors on the list Ask participants: “Are there other kinds of errors you have experienced?” Discuss additions to the list from their own work area
Error Proofing Techniques Eliminate Possibility of Error Reusable code libraries Child locks on car doors Cash register calculates change Programmed phone numbers Configuration management of code libraries Delegate Necessary Decisions Prevent Errors Match Tasks to Abilities Implementation checklists/scripts Color code cables Error Proofing Facilitate Tasks Distinguish Tasks Do nothing is not an option… Spell checking in a word processor Thresholds on disk usage / monitoring Peer reviews & checks Detect Errors Mitigate Errors Auto-correct feature in word processor UPS Resilience X Mitigate Errors Nothing Customer calls you
Not all checks are equally effective. Successive Checks Self Checks Mistake Proofing Associates check work of previous Associate Associates check own work before passing to next Associate Automatic check & prevention of defect Plus: Generally effective in catching defects Problem: Corrective action can only occur after defect is made Instant correction possible More palatable than supervisor or peer check Associate may compromise quality or forget to perform check 100% inspection usually with no extra time expense Instant correction Definition Plusses / Problems
Mistake Proofing has different levels of intervention. Shut Down Process stop: Cannot proceed until issue is addressed Control Pull-down box: Only “X” choices available – must select from choices There are 3 main categories of Poka-Yoke devices: Shut Down – an example is a line stop where the machine shuts down when an error is detected Control – and example is a locator pin that is positioned so that a part cannot be inserted into a jig incorrectly Signal – an example is a light or buzzer that signals when an error is detected Signal Error message: Notification of incorrect data entry by pop-up text box
Mistake Proofing examples are common in our lives. Auto-shut-off on gas pumps Double-sided car keys Auto-flush in public facilities What are your examples? Ask what failures these error proofing techniques prevent Examples of controls that we might employ in cheque clearing Process? In Transport phase (where cheque is scanned through machine), if there is a problem with a cheque (not quite smooth, dog eared) that causes a jam, the machine will shutdown and not process any more until the jam is resolved After the bundles of cheques have been taken out of the bags (that the courier delivers), the bags are turned inside out so that the person looking after this activity can be sure that they have removed and processed all the cheques that arrived in the bag. Here are some examples from IT: Examples of controls that we might employ: A software installation wizard Regular housekeeping activities Configuration Mgmt tool to avoid multiple access to code modules Read only access to folders Programming languages with automated syntax checking Code Libraries with re-useable, proven code modules; routines which always initialise variables/memory Further Examples Optional: Have participants think of Poka-Yokes they would LIKE to see – Examples: Bank card readers that can read from any direction Parking spaces/garages that signal when you are in far enough Floor alarms that sound when dirty socks land on them
Characteristics of Mistake Proofing Reason for mistake proofing device is clear Never fails Defective items never passed on Low or no cost Made with wisdom & ingenuity Simple, durable and easy to maintain Device idea is transferable to other areas Does not interfere with work Associate trained in proper use of device
Mistake Proofing Methodology Identify Defects Tools: Check Sheet Describe the defects Determine the defect rates Rank/Sort Defects Tools: Data Collection, Pareto Collect/organize defect rate data Create Pareto chart Identify “Main Culprit” on which to focus Determine Causes Tools: C & E, Quality Tools/Hypothesis Testing, Red Flag Identify probable causes Use C & E and 5 Why’s Prevent Defects Tools: Mistake Proofing device Use associate ingenuity Use creativity List alternative ideas to eliminate/detect the error Create device & test 4 3 2 Cover 4th step of methodology The next slide gives some examples of Poka-Yoke devices 1
Back to EZ Money…. Finalize your plans for EZ Money with your teams. Consider: Work station layout (5S) Standard work (every employee should understand their role.) Piloting with a stop watch