Institut pour le D éveloppement des U sages des T echnologies d’ A ssistance & d’ I nsertion des P ersonnes IDUTAIP SONIE Project 2010/2011 Grand Paris (Ile de France) Partners Ile de France Region Université Numérique Paris Ile de France Eldy Sparkom SA
IDUTAIP Context 2009 call FP for new digital services and practices funded by Ile de France Region 20% of seniors (60-69 years old) use a computer and 9% are regular internet users ; only 4% of seniors over 70 are internet users The Sonie project aims at reducing the seniors’ digital divide through – Simple access to computer : all in french Eldy – Teaching how to use a computer, s, internet… : volonteer students teach the seniors in Paris Universities and in cities around Paris – Instant coaching when seniors are alone at home : sparkom’s platform with student coaches (SOS Sonie)
IDUTAIP Sonie’s achievements Seniors’ expectations collected through Cercle Vermeil web site and local seniors’ organisations. 19 sessions so far; 2 to 3 hours a session (afternoon) Organisation : average of 10 participants per session in Paris and 8 in Massy ; 1 « teacher » (professor or student) and 3 to 4 coaches (students) Less students than expected : 10 volonteers (30 expected) University Bonus (« ects credits »)for « digital citizen students » expected for year only
IDUTAIP Sonie’s achievements Instant coaching : service opened one day each week from april to june 2010 – Little success : difficult for true beginners and useless for other seniors ; service availability too restricted – But a real need : seniors in Massy go to public media libraries for information and assistance and can’t get it – New experience planned : The city of Massy will engage unemployed youngs and offer participants to the computer classes 1h30 of free assistance through Sparkom’s platform (5 days a week and 7 hours a day)
IDUTAIP Sonie’s achievements Eldy all in french – Manual and exercises came late and no Eldy session (all in french) could be planned – French market is specific : many « eldy like » solutions were available on market : no success for any. Yet Eldy can help many seniors – Our experience in nursing homes has brought us to imagine Eldy on an usb key.
IDUTAIP Sonie’s achievements Instant coaching : service opened one day each week from april to june 2010 – Little success : difficult for true beginners and useless for other seniors ; service availability too restricted – But a real need : seniors in Massy go to public media libraries for information and assistance and can’t get it – New experience planned : The city of Massy will engage unemployed youngs and offer participants to the computer classes 1h30 of free assistance through Sparkom’s platform (5 days a week and 7 hours a day)
IDUTAIP And in the future ? Sonie project has terminated on march,31st Sonie’ s courses will continue in with Paris 8 and Paris 1 universities : students will now be granted ects credits in their cursus 400 seniors have registered in the city of Massy : idutaip will contribute until the end of 2011 (together with other organisations) Eldy usb could be distributed on a commercial basis in 2011 in France New opportunities for eldy in France such as access to personal medical records, bank services…
IDUTAIP IDUTAIP is pleased to contribute to the EUROPEAN Eldy community Thank you…