Enrollment Copyright © 2012 School Services of California, Inc. Volume 32 For Publication Date: September 28, 2012 No. 19 By the Way... Governor Signs Workers’ Compensation Reform Governor Signs Workers' Compensation Reform. In a style similar to last week's pension reform bill signing (September 12, 2012), Governor Jerry Brown was joined by legislative leaders in Southern California to sign the Workers' Compensation reform bill, [Senate Bill (SB) 863 (De León, D-Los Angeles)]. "These significant reforms save hundreds of millions of dollars for California's employers while preventing an imminent crisis of skyrocketing rates that would have hurt both injured workers and businesses," said Governor Brown. The reform has garnered support from both the business and employee communities, by reducing litigation and claims adjustment costs for employers and increasing permanent disability benefits for workers. To read more about SB 863, see "The Good, Bad, and the Ugly: Workers' Compensation Reform 2012" in the September 14, 2012, Fiscal Report.The Good, Bad, and the Ugly: Workers' Compensation Reform 2012 Ramona Unified School District September 19, 2012
Enrollment Is the key to finances Remember: Enrollment is tied to Average Daily Attendance, which translates into dollars Makes up 70% of revenue for RUSD This data is as of 9/14/12 and will change until CBEDS reporting day - 10/03/12
Enrollment Enrollment as of CBEDS 6242 students Enrollment as of CBEDS 6130 students Decline of 112 students Enrollment as of 9/14/ students Decline of 236 students
Enrollment Kindergarten and T-K Classes students Kindergarten students students
Enrollment – General Ed. T K-6 for students K-6 for students K-6 for students
Enrollment Trend
K-6 School Sites General Ed. Population Diff. HE RE BE JD MW Montessori MVA
Secondary School Sites General Ed. Population Diff. OPMS Montessori (7&8) MVA (7&8) RHS MHS MVA (9 thru 12) FB
Enrollment – In Closing ▪ Decline is still occurring ▪ Rate of decline is much larger than anticipated ▪ Will have a negative effect on the District’s finances for the years to come