The Diocese of New Jersey April 18, 2015 Presenter: David W. Anderson Hello there.
Rev. Dr. David W. Anderson Presenter, Coach and Author Rev. Dr. David W. Anderson Presenter, Coach and Author Back to Basics for Discipleship Making and Outreach Hello there.
Back to Basics for Discipleship Making and Outreach Five Principles of faith formation Four Key Faith Practices: cross+generational, sacramental, experiential, and rooted in a foundational partnership between home and parish Resources will be explored that connect the Five Principles and Four Keys with daily faith formation and significant milestones events in our lives. Hello there.
Back to Basics for Discipleship Making and Outreach Q. What is the ministry of the laity? A. The ministry of lay persons is to represent Christ and his Church; to bear witness to him wherever they may be; and, according to the gifts given them, to carry on Christ’s work of reconciliation in the world... Hello there.
What assumptions do you hold?
The Milestones Ministry Frame Five Principles to serve as a compass heading for ministry: 1.Faith is formed by the power of the Holy Spirit through personal, trusted relationships- often in our own homes. (John 1:29-49; 4:28- 42) 2. The church is a living partnership between home and congregation. (Acts 2:46, 5:42, 20:20) Hello there.
Milestones Ministry Frame 3. Where Christ is present in faith, home is church, too. (Acts 16:13ff) 4. Faith is caught more than taught. (Deut. 6:4-9) 5. If we want Christian children and youth, we need Christian adults. (Malachi 4:6; 2 Timothy 1:5) Hello there.
Milestones Ministry Frame There are FOUR KEY faith practices... “to do the work you have given us to do, to love and serve you as faithful witnesses of Christ our Lord.” (Post- Communion Prayer: BCP, p. 366) Hello there.
Milestones Ministry Frame There are FOUR KEY faith practices... Part of the Episcopal, Benedictine spirituality of Obedience Stability Conversion of Life Hello there.
Milestones Ministry Frame There are FOUR KEY faith practices that make up the lifestyle of lifelong faith formation: 1.Caring Conversation 2.Devotions 3.Service 4.Rituals and Traditions Hello there.
There are 30+ Child & Adult Milestone Modules: Hello there.
What Is Milestones Ministry? A Meaningful Memorable Moment... Marked with the Cross of Christ 13 Hello there.
What milestones do you currently celebrate in your parish? Baptism Mission Trips? Bible? New Member? Blessing of Backpacks? Confirmation First Communion Others? Hello there.
What milestones do you recognize and celebrate in your home and daily life? Birthdays? Baptismal Birthdays? Graduation? Retirement? Driver’ s License? First Day of School? Aniversaries? Others? Hello there.
What milestones do you recognize in the public world around you? Fourth of July? Memorial Day? Graduation? Thanksgiving? Summertime at the Park? Souper Bowl? Trunk or Treat? Others? Hello there.
The Design: Consistency of Look Four Keys (Caring Conversations, Devotions, Service, and Rituals/Traditions) are prominent The Home Component There is a Follow-Up Cross+generational Focus on Outreach Mentoring/Soul Friends What’s New about Milestones?
There are 18 Child-Youth Milestone Modules: Hello there.
There are 18 Milestones Modules: FaithChest® Milestone: Passing on Faith Baptism Milestone: The Beginning Point of Nurturing a Faith Life Anniversary of Baptism Milestone: Remembering Our Way of Life Prayer Milestone: Relationships with God and Family Welcoming Young Children to Worship Milestone: An Intentional Invitation Entering Sunday School Milestone: First Steps for a Young Child Kids and Money Milestone: Good Stewards of God’s Gifts Blessing of the Backpacks Milestone: A Fall Milestone for All Ages Communion Milestone: Learning More about the Lord’s Supper Hello there.
Bible Milestone: Placing Scripture in Hands and Homes Bible Camp Milestone: Feeling God’s Comfort in Outdoor Ministry My Body, God’s Gift Milestone: Sexuality as God’s Good Gift Middle School Milestone: Created in God’s Image Beginning Confirmation Milestone: Walking with Youth on Their Faith Journeys Confirmation Milestone: An Evening of Honor Driver’s License Milestone: Driver’s License as a Rite of Passage Mission Trip Milestone: Community Blessings at Home and Away High School Graduation Milestone: Equipping Graduates for the Journey 18 Milestones Modules continued: Hello there.
There are 8 Adult Milestone Modules: Hello there.
Adult Milestones For Caregivers of Aging Parents Return from Military Deployment Retirement New Home New Job First Time Grandparents Wedding Anniversary Empty Nest Four More in the Fall Hello there.
8 Adult Milestones Modules: Caring for Aging Parents: affirming primary care givers Return from Military Deployment: reuniting with family and friends New Home: Affirming the physical, spiritual, and emotional transition to a new living space Retirement: a major life transition Empty Nest Wedding Anniversary New Job First Time Grandparents Hello there.
First Time Parents Joining a Faith Community Loss of a Loved One Connecting with Spiritual Gifts 4 Adult Milestones Modules (in the Fall) Hello there.
Introducing the design… Desired Outcomes
Talk about changes and challenges of new living situation Share memories of previous homes and hopes and dreams for the future in a new home Understand how faith and worship can be practiced in the home Equip those in transition with a ritual/tradition for moving into a new home Provide resources for rituals/traditions that can be consistently practiced in the home Connect ministry of the congregation with the new owners Hello there.
What is Milestones Ministry? Hello there.
5 Part Structure 1.Name it 2.Equip it 3.Bless it 4.Gift it 5.Reinforce it Hello there.
1. Naming Identifies a moment as significant to one’s life and faith 2. Equipping Hello there. Provides support, modeling, and resources to help people experience a milestone in life as an opportunity to again embrace the grace of God in Christ
3. Blessing Offers a prayer in a worship service, cross+generational event, and/or the home to embrace people’s lives with the grace, mercy, and peace of God in Christ. 4. Gifting Provides a gift to help the participants recall a particular milestone in their lives with faith, hope, and love Hello there.
5. Reinforcing Offer a follow up event to help deepen the faith formation impact of the Milestone Ministry event. Encourage and support faith practices recommended at the initial Milestone event and, when helpful, explore new ones. 5 Part Structure Hello there. These five component parts work together to link individuals and cross + generational groups with a faith community and a way to promote lifelong faith formation.
Notes for Leadership Planning Helps Hello there.
Four Keys FOUR KEYS For Practicing Faith 1.Caring Conversations 2.Devotions 3.Service 4.Rituals and Traditions Hello there. Worship Service
For the Home Four Keys Blessings in home and congregation with intention to do outreach Hello there.
Reinforcing Four Keys Hello there.
Milestones Ministry Frame Appendix Hello there.
Resources Gifting Hello there.
Blessing Bowl Candle Four Keys Mat Milestone Stones
Options Customizable Invitations Briefcases Toolboxes Hello there.
We tend to limit milestones to parent and child Importance of Follow Up and Re-Connect Opportunity to invite whole community (not just the faith community) Sometimes Overlooked…
Hello there. Outreach Outreach into the community is a major gift of Milestones Ministry. It is a lifelong faith formation ministry that can serve and bless other people besides congregational members. Sometimes Overlooked…
Hello there. Blessing of the Backpacks Driver’s License Middle School High School Graduation Aging Parents Deployment Friends and neighbors are invited!
Resources for the Ministry Milestones Ministry for Home, Parish, and Digital World Hello there.
Three Stages of Milestones Ministry Stage 1 - Program Hello there.
Three Stages of Milestones Ministry Stage 2 – Life Cycle Hello there.
Three Stages of Milestones Ministry Stage 3 – Way of Life Hello there.
The Challenge: More than parent and child Importance of Follow Up Invite whole community Remember … The Key Elements: Naming Equipping Blessing Gifting Reinforcing
Hello there.
Equipping leaders and all the laity. Discipleship Making and Community Outreach
Back to Basics For a PDF of this presentation: Go to Click on “Our Team” Tab Find PDF under David’s Bio Hello there.
New Home Devotions Read Scripture: Proverbs 24:3-4 (CEV) “Use wisdom and understanding to establish your home; let good sense fill the rooms with priceless treasures.” Hello there.
New Home Devotions After reading the Scripture, finish these sentences: 1.A piece of wisdom I learned in my own home (or grandparents’ home or other significant adult’s home) as a child is... 2.A treasure I carry with me from my old home to my new home is When I think about using wisdom and understanding to establish my home, I wonder... Hello there.