Sociology 1A06 Introduction to Sociology Nora Gaskin Mills Research Help 2nd floor - ext Need Help? MSN us at
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology Session Outline 1.PART 1: Finding Books Using MORRIS 2.PART 2: Finding Journal Articles using Databases 3.PART 3: Assessing Types of Sources 4.Hands-on! Feel free to ask questions anytime during the session! [image credit]image credit
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology What is MORRIS anyway? MORRIS is McMaster’s library catalogue Shows what the 4 libraries own Books Journals Magazines Maps Music CDs, etc. Does not include individual chapters or articles! [image credit]image credit
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology Searching MORRIS You can search many different ways title author subject keywords and more! [image credit]image credit
Challenge! Search MORRIS for the book: Bodies of Inscription: a Cultural History of the Modern Tattoo Community by Margo DeMello
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology Let’s talk about what you did… What did you type in? Where? (Title? Author? Keyword?)
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology What does it all mean? MORRIS record includes –Title (complete) –Author(s) or Editor(s) –Subjects –Place of publication –Publisher –Year of publication
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology Locating a Book 1.if necessary, click Current Location and Status
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology Locating a Book
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology Which Location (library) ? Mills Innis Thode Health
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology Which Collection? Mills Bookstacks Mills Reference Mills 2 hour Reserve Mills Periodicals, etc.
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology What Call Number? how many copies? –1 line for each copy what floor? –Mills Book Location GuideMills Book Location Guide
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology Mills Book Locator Slip
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology What’s the Status? in -- Check shelf out -- Checked out For use in library only In Storage On Order In Process
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology Best search types… Title –if you know the title Author –if you know an author Title Keyword(s) -> Subject Keyword(s), Keyword(s) Anywhere –if you know the subject
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology But, what if you don’t have a title or author? Let’s assume this is your topic: the culture of body modification How would you search for this topic in MORRIS?
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology Let’s talk about what you did… What did you type in? Where? (Title? Author? etc.)
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology Searching Tips & Tricks Pick out the main concepts culture body modification Combine using ‘and’ culture and body modification Use quotations to keep words together as a phrase “body modification”
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology Searching Tips & Tricks Use asterisk symbol * (truncation) to retrieve plurals and alternate endings tattoo* cultur* Try to come up with synonyms for your search terms and combine with ‘or’ and brackets (“body modification” or tattooing or piercing)
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology Putting it all together… cultur* and (“body modification” or tattoo* or piercing) [image credit]image credit
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology Session Outline 1.PART 1: Finding Books Using MORRIS 2.PART 2: Finding Journal Articles using Databases 3.PART 3: Assessing Types of Sources 4.Hands-on! Questions? Ask them anytime during the session!
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology Articles defined Articles are published on an ongoing basis, in various sources such as: –newspapers (daily) –popular magazines (e.g. weekly) –journals (e.g. monthly, quarterly)
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology Scholarly Journals defined Journals are often “academic” or “scholarly” because the articles within them are: –written by and for researchers/academics rather than by journalists for the general public –long, in-depth –no advertisements –include references or a bibliography
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology Peer-reviewed defined some academic or scholarly journals are “peer- reviewed” (also known as “refereed”) articles are evaluated and examined by a panel of experts in the same field of study before they are accepted for publication the aim is to make authors meet the standards of their discipline, and ensure reliability and credibility It is very reputable to have your article published in a peer-reviewed journal!
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology How do you find these sources? ALL the newspaper, magazine and journal titles that McMaster owns/subscribes to are in MORRIS. …but to find articles within these sources, you have to start with a database!
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology Databases locate articles by subject, author, etc. “what exists” but not necessarily “what’s in the library” some have –full text of the articles –citations (references) only –abstracts (summaries) of articles
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology Connecting to Databases The best database for Sociology is Sociological Abstracts. go to the library home page click the “Databases” tab & type in the name of the database you want to search
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology Authentication required? from library, MacConnect, technology centre, home: –yes! -- MAC ID from residence: –no!
Challenge! Find articles about the culture of body modification (3 minutes)
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology Searching Tips & Tricks Use the same search tips we discussed for MORRIS! Pick out the main concepts and combine with ‘and’ Try to come up with synonyms and combine with ‘or’ and ( ) Use the asterisk* for plurals & alt. endings
Sorting by Relevance Challenge! Sort this set of results by Relevance
Peer-Reviewed Journals Challenge! Limit your results to “Peer- Reviewed Journals” Only
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology The “One Good Article” Strategy to focus your search find 1 good article use words from descriptors (subjects) or authors to get related articles
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology Now “get” the Article Look for to get the article online OR Look for to help you find the article, either online or in print (by searching MORRIS).
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology We may have: one or more online subscriptions one or more paper subscriptions or both or neither
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology What if we don’t have it? RACER inter-library loans articles: $5 -- now free! books: free 7-10 day delivery (average)
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology What if Get It! doesn’t work? if Get It! doesn’t appear, or doesn’t work: –open another browser –go to MORRISMORRIS –search by Journal Title what would you type in the MORRIS search box if you were looking for #1? how would you find article #1 on the shelf?
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology Session Outline 1.PART 1: Finding Books Using MORRIS 2.PART 2: Finding Journal Articles using Databases 3.PART 3: Assessing Types of Sources 4.Hands-on! Questions? Ask them anytime during the session!
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology Why use a book for information? Books often provide a broad overview of a topic; Books are good sources of background and summary information Books might be used to understand a topic initially and to provide a context [image credit]image credit
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology Why use an article for information? Journal articles are shorter than books, therefore they usually have a narrow focus and provide specific information. Journal articles are usually intended for an academic audience. Journal articles are published frequently (and don’t take as long to publish as books), therefore they usually contain more up-to-date info. [image credit]image credit
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology Puzzled? Confused? Got Questions? Ask away! [image credit]image credit
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology Recap Time! What have you learned? What’s the best way to search MORRIS if you know the title or author?search MORRIS What’s the best way to search MORRIS if all you have is a topic? Tell me the 5 search tips that make your search better.5 search tips If you need journal articles, where should you search?journal articles What are the differences between books and articles?booksarticles
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology Need Help? Just Ask! Visit: Research Help Desk, Mills 2 nd Floor Call: x MSN: AOL/Yahoo!: maclibraries [image credit]image credit
Sociology 1A06: Intro to Sociology Questions? Need Help? Just Ask! Mills Research HelpMills Research Help, Mills 2 nd floor ext Chat with Us! M-F, 11 am - 3 pm MSN: AOL & Yahoo! Messenger : maclibraries