GRIT and Positive Discipline—Essential Questions Does “Grit” impact our student’s ability to learn? Can we develop more “Grit” in our children? Can we become parents with more “Grit” by using Positive Discipline? Can teachers develop more “Grit” in our students by using Positive Discipline?
A Pop Quiz Who lost a total of 8 elections before becoming U. S. President? What inventor and his associates conducted over 1000 experiments before finally landing their bright idea? What famous basketball player did not start his high school career on the varsity team? Who invented the IQ test? What does the IQ test measure?
Tonight’s thoughts come from the following sources: Dr. Carol Dweck--Stanford University-Mindset: The New Psychology of Success Dr. William Sieber--UCSD—Calming the Overactive Brain Positive Discipline 26 years as an educator 24 years as a parent
The Two Mindsets The Fixed Mindset —belief that your qualities are carved in stone! Urgency to prove yourself over and over If you only have a certain amount of intelligence, a certain personality, or a certain moral character –well, you need to continually prove you have a healthy dose of it. Risk adverse—avoid risk, challenge or growth opportunities because it may prove you are deficient.
The Two Mindsets The Growth Mindset— belief that your basic qualities (intelligence, character and personality) are things that you can cultivate through your efforts. A person’s true potential is unknown (and unknowable) Impossible to foresee what a person can accomplish with years of passion, toil and training Not risk adverse…see opportunities in challenges
Babies and the Growth Mindset Babies are born with a growth mindset--they try relentlessly to learn how to talk, feed themselves and walk! Nobody judges or labels a child a failure as they learn how to talk, feed themselves or walk! Trial and error are expected A baby (toddler) displays “grit” when they experience failure. They see the failure as a challenge to be over come.
An Example of Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset If Babies are born with a Growth Mindset how do they develop a Fixed Mindset?
An Example of Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset
Achievement vs. Learning Achievement is an end to itself. It is a measure at a fixed point in time. It is a staple of a Fixed Mindset. Learning is a continual process it is not a measure at a fixed point in time. People with a Growth Mindset want to continually learn or challenge themselves.
The Praise Trap Praise can be a dangerous thing with a student who has a Fixed Mindset. If you praise a student for their ability and talent it could lead to judgment and avoidance of challenges.
Fixed Mindset Praise Examples “You learned that so quickly! You’re so smart!” “If I don’t learn something quickly, I’m not smart.” “Look at that drawing, Peggy! Is he the next Picasso or what?” “I shouldn’t try drawing anything hard or they’ll see I’m no Picasso.” “You’re so brilliant, you got an A without even studying!” “I’d better quit studying or they won’t think I’m brilliant.” Many of will you hear these phrases as supportive, esteem-boosting messages
Growth Minded--Praise and Failure Praise must focus on effort and taking on the challenge. “I am proud of the effort you put into studying so hard and it paid off.” “You didn’t win the competition but your effort will bring improvement.” “I am so sorry you were not successful on winning a ribbon, but I have some ways we can work for success next time”.
A Story About Failure What would you do if you were Elizabeth’s parents? Tell Elizabeth you thought she was the best. Tell her she was robbed of a ribbon that was rightfully hers. Reassure her that gymnastics is not that important Tell her she has the ability and will surely win next time. Tell her she didn’t deserve to win.
The Dangers of Avoidance Avoidance of any of the below listed items can contribute to a child developing a fixed mindset. Academic challenges Emotional/Relational challenges Behavioral challenges Resilience is an important trait students need to learn. Self advocacy examples
Finally, exposure to challenges, setbacks and failures produces “Grit” Butterflies and their chrysalis's. Trees and their roots. Oysters and Pearls