Think about it first Break It Down Every problem has a title. So what will your title be? The title is of course the collective problem. How you would describe it as a whole in other words. In this case we want to write a family book. OK you’ve already got your main titles haven’t you. Collective is: Book Description is: Family Genre: Is Real Life, Autobiography, Adult What next? OK now, how do you go about writing this family history? Ask yourself can you do it alone or do you need help? Do you have enough time to write it? Where will you write it and do you have all the tools you need? When you can successfully answer all the questions above move on, don’t hesitate, keep the momentum going. Setting it out There is no sense to go in full steam ahead, right into the frying pan without first setting out the path of your project. Ask where shall I begin? Who is my main character? How much shall I include? For Example – Local history around where your characters lived. Important historical events surrounding their lives.
Style Me Series or one Decide how best to set out your work? Does it lend itself to a series of small publications. Or would it be better served as one large book? Will you try to publish it professionally, perhaps in newspaper articles or on family history websites? What about for your local library or just for yourself and your children. Time Scale Now you need to decide how long you will give yourself to write your book. Give yourself a deadline for example, two years from now. This will help you to press on with your project and discourage you from dragging out its completion for what seems like an eternity. Remember a family book really has no end as each generation can add their own chapters in time. So you must decide how and when to end your work. Editing and Sharing Once your work is finished, before you even think of presenting it for publication it must be proof read and all the facts within your work must be checked for authentication yet again. Your work will need to be pruned and polished to perfection or to the very best that you as an amateur writer can perform. If you do this the professionalism will shine through and any small errors will more likely be forgiven. Check double check and check again and if you can get someone else to read your work and happily accept their constructive advice.
“ ” Start with research – collect data I NTERVIEW YOUR OLDEST MEMBERS OF YOUR FAMILY – P RIZE FAMILY STORIES, PHOTOS, DOCUMENTS, MEMORIES Now once you’ve got yourself organised mentally and spatially and feel ready – Let us begin
What Materials do I Need Notebooks A small one you can carry around and write down your thoughts. Spelling, Diction Spelling and good grammar are very important, a publisher will look carefully for this quality within your writing. Slang is not advisable as it’s hard to understand and profanity is a no-no. There are other ways to show a character is rough and uncultured. Files - Courses Organised carefully to store your paperwork such as photos and letters and other documents. Keep them in a box large enough to put medals or other items. Experience in writing only really comes with writing and reading a wide variety of material. Courses do help but you don’t need to spend thousands to learn how to write well and to develop your own style you must write something every day. Competitions are useful they help you keep to deadlines and write in a style which is for publication rather than personal gratification. CDs, USB, Computer Vital to your work is a good up-to- date computer. You ideally need to purchase windows software, word at the very minimum. You must keep backup files in case you lose data or you computer breaks down. A good USB will allow you to use any windows computer and take your book anywhere to work on. A lap top with long battery life and internet and large memory. Typing skills are very useful but not vital as one finger typists can be just as fast.
And Finally – TAKE YOUR TIME Be patient – Be determined and believe in what you are doing You will get disheartened from time to time and even lose your way. But never give up. Remember the book is not just for you. It will carry the memory of your loved ones long into the future. What better way to say you care.