Asha SD Projects Meeting July 10, 2010
Humsafar, Lucknow, UP Amy
Project Details – Asha Logistics Would not be shared w/ another chapter Location: Lucknow (within city limits) Has not been in WAH Started in 2003 Well established Serves domestic violence victims by providing medical, psychological, legal services; community awareness Requests Asha funding for PEACE component that creates community watch groups; awareness program for students in grades 9-11 and college
Project Details PEACE Activities Staff work with 19 schools and colleges to educate students about domestic violence * No fee to students * 6-month program * Discussions, writing, poster-making Form community watch groups to report violence, discuss issues Friends of Humsafar established to reintegrate domestic violence victims into society
Project Impact Seems to be successful * Increased women seeking help * Increase in women filing reports for protection * Feedback from women who have been helped Future Plans * Expand services and outreach * Strengthen ties with government Requesting 607,000 rupees No FCRA Clearance; “Registered”- Route funds through Asha Trust (Asha in India)?
Nature, New Delhi Sonia
Project Details – Asha Logistics No other Asha chapters are funding this project. The project is located in the city of New Delhi. It would be an easy project to arrange a regular site visit for. This project has never been in WAH. The project was developed in October of 2003 and officially registered in February of This project serves the slums of New Delhi and targets kids from the ages of This is an urban project. This project is somewhat established. They have been running programs for the last six years but only run through individual donations which can fluctuate. This project provides elementary education and basic skills education. This project tries to match the mainstream curriculum so that the students can eventually move onto government schools.
Project Details The school follows the state curriculam but also uses a play-way method of teaching which includes educational toys, games, and group activites. This is a day school that along with the academic program also provides mid-day meals, uniforms, books, hygiene items (toothbrushes, handkerchiefs, ect) There is no fee for the students to attend this program.
Project Impact Currently there are 60 children enrolled in this program with plans to expand. The students are between the ages of 5-14 and are first generation learners. They encourage their students and assist them in transitioning into government schools but there is no statistic provided on how many students have been able to do this. This school only teaches basic education, so the students hopefully transfer to a government school for higher education.
Project Impact The program also conducts seminars for the community and parents to raise awareness, health camps, annual functions, and cultural activites. The organization would like to add more classes to serve more children and grow their program. I would have like to seen more statistics but this still seems like a fairly new project that seems to have a lot of potential. The funds requested total to $851, rupees annually which comes out to about $18,257 USD. This is based on an estimate for 70 kids.
Hariksha Learning Center for Children with Cerebral Palsy and Mental Retardation Avalurpet, Villupuram district, Tamil Nadu Project presentation to Asha San Diego Rama Subramanian Asha Irvine
Outline: Problem description Introduction Hariksha Asha Irvine Funding history and the path forward Project performance Request from Asha San Diego
Problem Description Avalurpet -- Rural area situated at the border of Villupuram and Thiruvannamalai districts Total population – 1,32,634, CP/MR children – 54 Poor awareness & callous attitude towards CP/MR Children often ill-treated by parents Parents typically very poor & hard-working Most disadvantaged children in the society Desperately need care & treatment Deserve a right to better conditions, affection & attention
Hariksha Learning Center Functional since December 2008 30 children (physical therapy – 15, special education – 30) 7 staff (Coordinator, special educator, physical therapist, care giver, cook, 2 aya) Difficulties retaining staff members (no speech therapist) Rental building (~1400 sq ft), Rental van for transporting children (~140km/day) 10 AM to 3:30 PM, with mid-day meal, milk & snacks in the morning and the evening, medical support
Asha Irvine ~ 10 active volunteers 2 current out of a total of 8 projects Average project disbursement (in the past): ~$3000/year
Hariksha – Fundraising History & Path Forward Annual budget requirement: ~$18,000 One-time FCRA (no permanent FCRA yet) 1 st year: $6,500 from Asha Irvine (4 personal donations routed through the chapter + chapter funds) $8,000 from Asha Seattle 2 nd year: $9000 from Asha Irvine ($5,000 personal donations routed through the chapter + chapter funds) $2,000 from Asha Los Angeles Remaining $7,000 (potentially from SV) 3 rd year: Nominated project towards WAH 2010 Proposed budget: ~$25,000
Hariksha – Project Performance Project partner thorough in sending monthly progress and expenditure reports Site visit reports confirm excellent progress Manimegalai, 17-year old CP won in the state-level disabled sports meet Many other children with impressive progress Positive perception in the village 21 children in the waiting list Currently facing many challenges: One-time FCRA Difficulties in retaining staff Ability to scale-up Lack of awareness & responsibility in parents Kalki – self help group for parents with good success
Hariksha’s sustainability Many local donations Mukthi foundation (equipments worth Rs. 35,000) Currently in talks with TIC (UK) and Sitaram Jindal foundation in Bangalore Hariksha’s 3 rd year funds would come from WAH 2010
Request from Asha San Diego ~$4000 to see this project through the rest of its 2 nd year (through Dec 1 st, 2010) This is a one-time request If questions, please contact the project steward, Rama Subramanian, at or
Integrated Program for Disabled children in Tsunami Affected Area TN India Dharshini Kavati
Project Details – Asha Logistics Is this project shared with another asha chapter, if so which chapter? No, but another component if this project is being hadled by ASHA Dallas. What is the exact location and site visit feasibility? Mallapuram, Tamil Nadu Has this project been in WAH? No How old is this project? The organization has been around for about 10 yrs, this project is post Tsunami What sector of society does it serve (women, tribal, disabled, etc)? Disabled children between 0-18 Is the project urban or rural? Rural Is it grassroots or well established? Established What is the level of education provided (primary, secondary)? Not sure, this is an educational program for Disabled children, it is to get them up to speed to join mainstream
Project Details What sector of society does it serve (women, tribal, disabled, etc) see above Is the project urban or rural? see above Is it grassroots or well established? see above What is the level of education provided (primary, secondary) see above What is the mode of education (traditional, vocational)? Both Is it a day school, after school or boarding school? Not Sure Is there a fee for the students? No
Project Impact How many students are in the school? 100 What are the student demographics? Need more info How many students have graduated? Need more info What do the students do upon graduation? Need more info Does the organization do anything else other than education related activities? Yes What is the organizations long term outlook? Work towards enabling disabled children develop According to you, what is your sense of this projects potential? Need more info Include a funding request (if available) – $15, per year
Sandnya Sanwardhan Sanstha A Research Institute For The Development and Rehabilitation of Mentally Handicapped Butibori, Nagpur (School) Khamla Road, Nagpur(Office) Chandan
Project Details Shared with Athens Asha chapter. School is located at P-14, MIDC, Butibori (25Km from Nagpur) and administrative office is at Sawarkar Nagar Bus Stop, Near Orange City Hospital, Khamla Road, Nagpur Not sure about whether its part of WAH this year? This project was started in 1993 Rehabilitation of Mentally Handicapped Urban
Project details contd…….. The project is well established. It is a individualized curriculum. Each student has a different syllabus and it is based on the need of each child. It’s a Day school.
Prabhu Nath Pandey & Supriya Pandey, Bahadurpur Kustashram Parao Varanasi Dharshini Kavati
Project Details – Asha Logistics Is this project shared with another asha chapter, if so which chapter? No What is the exact location and site visit feasibility? Uttar Pradesh, Chanduali, just outside of Varanasi Has this project been in WAH? No How old is this project? It would be a new project for Asha, but the group was established in What sector of society does it serve (women, tribal, disabled, etc) Tribal children of the lower caste Is the project urban or rural? Very rural Is it grassroots or well established? Grassroots What is the level of education provided (primary, secondary) Both, trying to provide education to children from very young to high school (4-14 yrs old)
Project Details What sector of society does it serve (women, tribal, disabled, etc) see above Is the project urban or rural? rural. Is it grassroots or well established? grassroots What is the level of education provided (primary, secondary) see above What is the mode of education (traditional, vocational)? The founders are trying to provide both; traditional education to children and vocational education to young adults and those in early adolescence (4-14 yrs old). Is it a day school, after school or boarding school? Day school Is there a fee for the students? Rs, 20 per month. Most of the children’s parents cannot afford to send their kids to school. The nearby government school is for the upper caste and the next nearest school is 4-5 km away.
Project Impact How many students are in the school? No current students, but they aim to have 60 enrollees at first What are the student demographics? This information was not available, although it is believed that they will accommodate both males and females. How many students have graduated? Not applicable as this proposal is for a new school. What do the students do upon graduation? Not applicable as this proposal is for a new school. Does the organization do anything else other than education related activities? No What is the organizations long term outlook? To provide the lower caste children with a competitive education at a low cost to prepare them for their future. According to you, what is your sense of this projects potential? This project has a lot of potential and I think we can meet the desired funding request. Include a funding request (if available) Funding request of $4,900 /year for: Teachers salary - $1800 x 3 Furniture and misc - $800
Project Impact Current students strength : 84 Demographics: 4 to 18 years old children from all categories. Students:teachers ratio is close to 2:1. How many students have graduated? After Graduation, the children are admitted for vocational training and then they go for rehabilitation. They are planning to expand and increase the number of children in this School. (~50 students in waiting list, New Bus, 6 additional classrooms) FCRA approved. I feel that we can go ahead and fund this project as long as we make site visits on a regular basis.
NFE Center Project- Seva Mandir, Udaipur, Rajasthan Amy
Project Details – Asha Logistics Shared with Asha SV Never been in WAH Started centers in 1991 (other activities 40 yrs.) Well established Location: Rural villages of Udaipur District, Rajasthan Tribals, children of migrant workers ages * Academic problems: can’t keep up, harsh discipline; no local school, teacher absenteeism * Attend school infrequently * Drop out after 5th standard to work
Project Details Non-Formal Education Centers (Shiksha Kendras) Requests support for 73 Shiksha Kendras Approx. 2,452 Students Day Schools Prepare for enrollment in gov’t schools Reading, writing, math Up to 3rd Standard Students pay “token fee” (can be waived) Established and run alongside village communities
Activity Cum Support Centres Support students once they enter gov’t school Activity centers in gov’t school * Workbooks, games, puzzles, arts +crafts, sports * During and after school hours * Tutoring after school Seasonal Residential Schools 3 Sessions, 2-months each For girls and other children unable to attend regularly Encouraged to enter gov’t school
Project Impact Shiksha Kendra Approx. 14% Enter gov’t schools each year 84 % Retention in gov’t schools over 3 yrs. Activity Cum Support Centers Reinforces learning, enjoyable Exposes teachers and students to different methods Seasonal Residential Schools 60-70% Enroll in gov’t school or Shiksha Kendra Only 45% Retention in regular school over 3 yrs. Future Plans Solidify Activity Cum Support Centers Open new schools
FCRA Clearance? Yes
Sambhog, Ahmedabad, Gujarat Parthiv
Project Details – Asha Logistics Project is not shared with another asha chapter Ahmedabad, Gujarat; site visits are probably feasible as it’s large city and we have volunteers that may visit this part of India Project has not been in WAH Project was founded on 3 May 2008 However, Managing Trustee Ms. Femida Mallik has been actively involved with the communities that Sambodh presently works with since the year 2002 She was a key player in Sahyod, an project that received Asha-DC funds from Many Asha volunteers seemed to vouch for her in an With the Gujarat communal riot-affected communities in the relief camps of Vatva areas The project is urban It is a 3 person organization that seems grassroots Education provided: Preschool Education (110 children, age 3-5 years ) Supplementary Classes (100 children, age (5-7 stds) and age (8-10 stds) )
Project Details Project serves residents of Vatva, a poor, on Ahmedabad’s outskirts Urban project, dominantly industrial area with textile mills Population has increased 4-fold since 2002 NGO has been involved in credit and savings programs and non-formal education (NFE) 1 Managing Trustee and 2 Board Trustees, seems grassroots,; has received aid from Save the Children, Asha, and Saathi- Mumbai Providing NFE programs to 2 groups: Preschool using Montessori method Supplementary classes - text book syllabus would be simplified through project work, charts and other such techniques Child-focused, non-formal education provided Community women would be identified and trained in Montessori teaching methods by Managing Trustee and 2 to 3 other experts Appears it would be a day or after school format Not stated if students pay fees
Project Impact Preschool Education (110 children, age 3-5 years ) Supplementary Classes (100 children, age (5-7 stds) and age (8-10 stds) ) Population of Vatva is 80% Muslim, are has history of communal violence, which gradually saw ghettoization of Muslims School does not exist yet- proposal is for planned school No students have graduated Managing Trustee has NFE experience since 2002 Was key person in Sahyog, and Asha-DC supported NFE project since 2004 Many Asha volunteers vouch for her in an accompanying Education also has background in savings and credit programs that helped 400 women save 2.75 lakhs Wishes to transition children into formal education using teaching techniques as well as advocacy with the municipal schools Project seems heavily dependent on Managing Trustee to make it happen – it is a proposed intervention
Resource Requirement Sr.TypeNos.Description a) Physical resource 1Classes4the preschool and supplementary classes would operate at different timings, thus requiring 4 instead of 8 rooms 2Computer1For maintaining records, training to teachers 3printer1 4Teaching material Charts, toys, scrap books, stationery items 5Cupboards1 b) Human resources 1Overall co-ordinator1The founding trustee would undertake this role for guiding the programme 2Project co-ordinator1The co-ordinator, preferably with a social science background, and experience in education sector would look after the project 3Teachers8Women from the community would be identified and trained as teachers 4Documentation and accounts person1
Funding Requirement Sr.HeadNo. of unitsUnit costAnnual units Salaries 1Salary - trustee Salary- co-ordinator Salary- teachers Salary – accounts/doc Nutrition support Rs 3 per child per day for 100 children for 25 days * Furniture and teaching aids 6Teaching material Stationery Computer Printer- scanner Cupboards Trainings/ workshops 11Trainings Outings/ exposure visits 12Outings/ exposure visits Conveyance Rents 14Classroom rent Office rent* Electricity charges Communication TOTAL % of total cost GRAND TOTAL * At present, Sambodh does not have a formal office, and the trustee’s house is used for all necessary work. If funds are available, it would like to shift to an office in the area it works.
Swadhar – Mohor Day Care & Night Shelter, Pune Aboli Rane
Project Details – Asha Logistics Is this project shared with another asha chapter? No What is the exact location and site visit feasibility? Pune- good site visibility prospects Has this project been in WAH? No FCRA Clearance? Yes How old is this project? 10 years subset of parent org Swadhar founded in 1995 What sector of society does it serve ? Care, protection and education of children in red-light area of Pune
Project Details Is the project urban or rural? Urban Is it grassroots or well established? Well established parent org serves 13, 000 women and children What is the level of education provided? non-formal education/day care – mainly educating children and mothers about the situation Is it a day school, after school or boarding school? day care/night shelter Is there a fee for the students? No it does not seem that way
Project Impact How many students are in the school? 45 What are the student demographics? Young children (before school going age) How many students have graduated? N/A What do the students do upon graduation? N/A Does the organization do anything else other than education related activities? Outreach, make them interested in education What is the organizations long term outlook? Get children enrolled in formal education system According to you, what is your sense of this projects potential? Medium, there needs to be further articulation of the work done at the institution
Funding Request THE PROPOSED BUDGET RECURRING EXPENSES: I. STAFF SALARIES:- Day Care:- 1 Social Worker Rs x 1x 12 = Rs 84, Assistant Social Worker Rs x 1x 12 = Rs 66, Teacher Rs x 1x 12 = Rs 36, Helpers Rs x 3x 12 = Rs 72, Cook Rs x 1x 12 = Rs 60, Part time Accountant Rs x 1x 12 = Rs 24, Night Shelter:- 1 Supervisor Rs x 1x12 = Rs 60, Teacher Rs x 1x12 = Rs 42, Helper Rs x 3x12 = Rs 72, Watchman Rs x 1x12= Rs 36, TOTAL I Rs. 5,52,000.00
Funding Request Con’t II. Nutrition Breakfast + Lunch + Fruit + Rs. 15/- per child for 45 children for 365 days TOTAL II Rs. 2,46, III. Trips, Medical and recreation Rs x 12 = Rs. 24, Administration (Phone, electricity bill, repairs and maintenance, Xerox, postage and stationary) Rs x 12 = Rs.72, Rent Rs. 3,000 x 12 = Rs.36, TOTAL III Rs 1,32, GRAND TOTAL PER YEAR Rs. 9,30, = $20,000
Additional Info on Budhwar Peth 20-girls-rescued-from-Budhwar-Peth- brothels/articleshow/ cms 20-girls-rescued-from-Budhwar-Peth- brothels/articleshow/ cms 80 women and 20 girls rescued from bonded sex trade 3 rd largest red-light district in India workers
Discussion of Projects