Inter Ministerial group for Arsenic Mitigation Main activities for central ministries/institutions and state governments
DWS & S Master plan for alternative sources of DWS, State wise, separately for 0.01mg/l & 0.05mg/l Non-functional arsenic removal facilities repaired on a sustainable basis Field testing kits available Water quality testing labs available and accredited; linked to research institutions – standardize testing protocols Capacity building in handling of arsenic removal facilities Social sensitization
MoH&FW State wise epidemiological studies of impact through arsenic affected water crops grown with arsenic affected water District wise appropriate treatment facilities Training of medical and para medical staff
MoEF&CC Sludge treatment Arsenic affected areas
DAC Affect on crops as well as consequential effect on health of such crops Promotion of Arsenic resistant crops
CGWB Mapping of areas 0.01mg/l and 0.05/l contamination Appropriate sealing to arrest inter-aquifer arsenic contamination Rainwater harvesting for arsenic contaminated aquifers Facilitate capacity building of state level officials Alternative arsenic free tubewells
NIH In situ arsenic removal Studies on genesis of arsenic occurrence in Ganga Brahmaputra basis Socio economic and socio-cultural impact of arsenic contamination – compendium of works done; technology initiatives, agri - and health impacts Material for public awareness / school curriculum - Dedicated web site – get Reponses & address queries Collaborate with other scientific institutions
State Governments State level task force Organize alternative sources of water supply in collaboration with MoDWS&S and UDD Maintenance of arsenic removal plants/PPP Sludge disposal Involve agri-universities social science institutes/ICAR bodies School level curriculum for awareness creation