Neil Reardon, Brynteg Comprehensive School, Bridgend


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Presentation transcript:

Neil Reardon, Brynteg Comprehensive School, Bridgend What is Poverty? When you have studied this PowerPoint, you should understand some of the basic ideas and language that are used in the study of poverty. Neil Reardon, Brynteg Comprehensive School, Bridgend

Is poverty a new concept? What does this historical image tell us about poverty?

Is this poverty?

Why do we need to make poverty history?

ABSOLUTE POVERTY If you live in absolute poverty you have none of these basic things for living.

Explaining Poverty Ideas for and against Reason The government should provide help for poor people The structure of society is unfair and unequal Some people have a culture that keeps them poor People find it difficult to escape poverty

RELATIVE POVERTY: TOWNSEND STUDY Peter Townsend said that people who do not have what other people take for granted are poor. Look at the list he drew up. Do you agree with all of the points?

RELATIVE POVERTY: TOWNSEND STUDY No holiday way from home in the last 12 months. No relative or friend to visit for a meal in the last month. Has not had a friend to play, or for tea, in the last month (under 15). Did not have a party on last birthday (children). Has not had an afternoon or evening out for entertainment in the last two weeks. Does not have fresh meat at least 4 times a week. Has had one or more days in the last two weeks without a hot meal. Has not had a cooked breakfast most days of the week. Household does not have a fridge. Household does not normally have a Sunday dinner. Household does not have: a flushing toilet, sink or washbasin with cold water, a fixed bath or shower and a cooker.

What age groups fall into poverty?

What are the reasons for poverty? Structural Poverty Cultural Poverty It is the fault of individuals because they have a different set of cultural values. Immediate Gratification, when people want pleasures now and do not work for the future Fatalism, when people think, ‘what will be’ and assume they cannot escape from a bad situation Poor people do not have a good work ethic and expect bad jobs Poor people are the victims of the unequal distribution of wealth. The poor do not have enough education to deal with money problems. Some people who live in poverty come from harsh backgrounds (domestic violence). Many people do not possess the skills to get out of poverty.

Why might poor children find it difficult to do well in school? Poverty and Education Why might poor children find it difficult to do well in school?

The Cycle of Deprivation Large families Born poor Family break up Bad nourishment Early parenthood How true is this picture of why people are poor? Bad area to live in Ill health Unemployment Misses school Criminal record Few qualifications Criminality for money Low paid, difficult work

New Right and the Underclass. The underclass is the group at the bottom of society Teenage girls get pregnant for houses and benefit Benefits encourage people to depend on the state rather than get jobs because it is easier for them Charles Murray says poor people form an underclass and are a threat to society. What do you think? The norms and values of the underclass are a disease that threaten society Lone mothers are bad parents and allow boys to be criminal. They are bad role models Young men are involved in crime and do not work for their families.

They do not earn as much as men. They do not have pensions Women are often poor They do not earn as much as men. They do not have pensions Women do not have access to the money in the home. When relationships break up, they lose out Women and Poverty “The Feminisation of Poverty”. They are more likely to be lone mothers and therefore poor. It is difficult to get jobs when you provide care for children and relatives What do you think about these ideas? What evidence is there to support them?

Poverty Test. Name three groups of people who may find themselves in poverty. Clearly explain two reasons (use sociological words if possible) why women find themselves in poverty. Clearly explain two reasons why it is difficult for some of the lower class to get out of poverty. What does the term “cycle of deprivation” mean?

6. Which age group fell the most into poverty by the year 2000? 7. Which is the only age group that seems to be decreasing in terms of the amount of people affected by poverty?

Poverty Test. Explain the meaning of the term cultural poverty. Who is to blame for poverty according to structural ideas about poverty? Explain underclass theory and assess its usefulness

Essay style question The end Discuss reasons why some social groups are more likely to find themselves in poverty. You must make references to at least two different social groups. Do your own personal research and develop your ideas with reference to studies and to research. Remember the two assessment objectives of Knowledge and understanding Analysis and evaluation The end