Santiago de Chile Abril
Objective To promote public interest advocacy and foment legal social responsibility, as well as to strengthen the work of the Third Sector as a means of improving access to justice for vulnerable groups.
Pro Bono Project (database of lawyers) 550 lawyers 33 law firms – 05 corporate in house Pro Bono. 626 consultations provided Third Sector Monitoring Third Sector legislation – Project “Thinking about the Law” and Draft Law of the Legal Statute for the Third Sector. Designed and taught course to train lawyers on legislation regulating the activities of the Third Sector to prepare them for their work with NGOs. National Workshops, lectures, and seminars on access to justice and pro bono advocacy. Organization and realization of third international seminar on pro bono advocacy. Web site and publications. Dissemination of the pro bono ideal and expansion of pro bono activities throughout Brazil. International Participation in international conferences (Uruguay, Turkey, Peru, USA, Budapest, Paris) and the International BAR Association seminar in Buenos Aires. Legal Services Dissemination of Pro Bono Culture
Number of consultations provided, per year
1.OAB – PB 2.OAB – PE 3.OAB – AL 4.OAB – MG 5.OAB – RJ 6.OAB – PR 7.OAB – MS 8.OAB – DF
Profile of the Organizations Served by the IPB Non-profit organizations; Lacking financial resources; Volunteer lawyers offer expertise in the following areas: – The Rights of Children and Adolescents; – The Rights of the Elderly; – Environmental Law; and – Social inclusion (by means of sports, cultural activities, professionalization, etc.).
Consulting; Drafting and reviewing contracts (formation of partnerships and organizations, etc.); Drafting legal memoranda; Resolving issues regarding by-laws and organizational constitutions for the Third Sector; and Assistance in obtaining qualifications awarded by the Government. Legal Services Offered by the IPB
High quality legal assistance provided to hundreds of NGOs. Public interest advocacy on behalf of vulnerable groups. Dissemination of pro bono ethic in other Brazilian states. Supporting the work of the Third Sector organizing courses and seminars Pro Bono Jr. Task force in poor areas of Sao Paulo Main Results Approval of pro bono resolutions in other Brazilian states. Strengthening the pro bono culture Identifying legal issues that provide an opportunity to engage in litigation of paradigmatic cases. Sustainability. Resumption of project on behalf of women victims of sexual violence. Challenges
Motorola – pioneer in the creation of a pro bono team in its legal department. General Electric in Brazil – creation of a pro bono team in its legal department in Wallmart in Hewlett Packard in Merck Sharp in Dpaschoal in Creation of a pro bono team in the legal sector of the company. Appointment of an individual in charge of receiving requests for legal assistance – forwarded by the IPB from NGOs – which are then passed on to interested attorneys. Pro Bono in the Corporate World Mode of Operation