Shuffleboard What is it?
What is Shuffleboard ? It’s a game of competition It’s a game of skill It’s a game of fun
Table Top Shuffleboard What’s Required? A shuffleboard table with a 14 foot playing surface.
Table Top Shuffleboard A set of Shuffleboard Rocks
Table Top Shuffleboard Shuffleboard Wax
Table Top Shuffleboard A Scoreboard
And of Course Players !
Object Of The Game Try to reach 15 or 21 points, (depending on game format) before your opponents Slide your rocks to areas marked 1, 2 or 3 points to score
How to score points Try to place your rocks in the higher point area. Rocks sitting on the line count as the lower point zone A rock ‘hanging’ over the end of the board as shown, is called a “hanger” and counts as 1 extra point.
Try to outdraw your opponent by sliding your rock further ahead than his (or hers) How to score points
Knock your opponent’s rock off the board without your rock falling off How to score points
Shooting Style The style on the left is called ‘ Thumb Shooting’ The style on the right is called ‘Freehand Shooting’ Which style you use is personal preference
Levels of Competition League play Tournament play Provincial play Canadian Championship play
Shuffleboard Links Visit the following Links to see news about Shuffleboard all across Canada and the USA. Canadian Shuffleboard Congress Ontario Shuffleboard Association (OSA) Saskatchewan Shuffleboard Association (SSA) Southern Alberta Shuffleboard Association (SASA) Halifax Shuffleboard Association Manitoba Shuffleboard Association Eagle Shuffleboard Bowers Corner Shuffleboard Network Table Shuffleboard Association Kitchener Waterloo Shuffleboard League Information Polish Legion Branch 412 Kitchener Ontario Royal Canadian Branch 50 (Fred Gies)