Benign -Non cancerous, a tumor that will not spread Cancer- abnormal cells multiply and spread, disrupting normal function of the organs Carcinogens- cancer causing agents Chemotherapy-drugs used to harm the cancer cells
CANCER TERMINOLOGY Cryosurgery- the use of extreme cold to destroy tissue Cyst- enlarged deep pimple Hysterectomy-an operation where the uterus is removed Lumpectomy- the surgical removal of breast cyst or tumor
CANCER TERMINOLOGY Malignancy (malignant) –a dangerous cancerous growth that spreads into the body fluids to new locations to form new cancer cells Mastectomy- the surgical removal of all or part of the breast Melanoma- a dangerous cancer of the skin related to sun exposure Metastasized – when the cancer cells move from one part of the body to another and mimic the original tumor
CANCER TERMINOLOGY Mutation- a change in genetic material Radiation-a type of treatment used to kill cancerous tissues, can be pinpointed Stages of cancer- 5 stages 0-IV. The higher the number, the more advanced the cancer is. Tumor-an abnormal mass of tissue that can live and reproduce itself, but has not service to the body
CANCER TERMINOLOGY Prognosis- a prediction of the chances of recovery from a disease. Prevalence- a statistical concept referring to the number of cases of a disease that are present in a particular population. (Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Age)