Control your destiny. Control your destiny. R each H igh S cholars R each H igh S cholars
What We Do Help students to “reach higher” in their educational pursuits than they otherwise would have imagined possible. Provide resources at no cost to the School District. Emphasize highly competitive colleges.
Major Initiatives Website: Summer Enrichment Programs SAT Boot Camp Reach High Scholars Club College Visits Contributions for Fees and Transportation Expenses
Summer Academic Enrichment Programs Summer Academic Enrichment Programs Raymond Roundtables (114) Phillips Exeter Academy Summer School (29) Advanced Studies Program – St. Paul’s School (22) (5) Summer Enrichment At Dartmouth (14) 61 Middle School and High School students will attend Summer Enrichment Programs in 2014 About $363,000 of financial aid from Summer Enrichment partners in past five years (of which over $137,000 was reimbursed by RHSP and supporters)
SAT Boot Camp Conducted by Academic Approach Open to all RHS students All classes on Saturdays 9:00 – 11:00 Fall ‘14 SAT Prep for Seniors: 4 sessions before SAT test on 10/11 Fall ‘14 PSAT Prep for Sophomores and Juniors: 3 sessions before PSAT test on 10/18 Winter ’14 –‘15 SAT Prep for Juniors: 11 sessions before SAT test on 3/14 Fees: Fall '14 Boot Camp (Only)$65Fall '14 Boot Camp (Only)$65 Winter '14-'15 Boot Camp (Only)$250Winter '14-'15 Boot Camp (Only)$250 Combined Fall & Winter$280Combined Fall & Winter$280
Reach High Scholars Club Tours – Info Sessions – Interviews Transportation Expenses Liability Releases College Visits
Highly Competitive Colleges of RHSP Alumni * = Not yet graduated StudentYearCollege Charles Martin2009Rensselaer KarryAnne Belanger2010Wheaton Kristina Francoeur*2011Skidmore Jesse Hardman*“Skidmore Samantha Harmon*“Dartmouth Jacob Leavitt*“Brown Jonathan Lemay*“Skidmore Ami Neeper*“Holy Cross Charles De Benedetto*2012Hobart & Wm. Smith Shaun Gallagher*“Lafayette Ashley Lord*“Dartmouth Joseph Morin*“Rensselaer
Highly Competitive Colleges of RHSP Alumni StudentYearCollege Abbey Schlangen*2012Trinity Collin Spinney*“Hamilton Rachael Faust*2013St. Lawrence Kathryn Gray*“Univ. of Rochester Amanda Lundergan*“Trinity Hope Palattella*“Connecticut College Shaun Spinney*“Carleton College Tarryn Goddard*2014Holy Cross Miranda Morey*“Mount Holyoke Jessica Robey*“Holy Cross Michael Steed*“Union College Kamin Sylvia*“Union College
College Life Anabelle Ferguson - RHS College Intern, Dartmouth ’15 Jake Leavitt - Brown ’15 Jake Leavitt - Brown ’15 Ami Neeper - Holy Cross ’15 Ami Neeper - Holy Cross ’15 Rachel Faust - St. Lawrence ’17 Rachel Faust - St. Lawrence ’17 Katie Gray - U of Rochester ’17 Amanda Lundergan - Trinity ’17 Hope Palattella – Connecticut College ‘17 Suggested Topics: applying to colleges being away from home how to make friends academic courses, majors & “undecided” extracurricular activities financial aid and campus jobs study abroad