Let’s Learn about our Sea Friends! By: Audrey Hilbert
Introduction In this lesson about Sea Friends 2 nd grade students will learn about different animals that live in the sea! The objective of this lesson is to learn about what animals in the sea look like, eat, and do in the sea. By the end of this lesson students will understand the basics of the main sea animals in the sea.
Sea Friends Lesson In the next few sides you will read a few facts about some of my sea friends and a few pictures so your able to recognize what they are! At the end of this lesson you will have the opportunity to show me what you have learned from this lesson. So lets get STARTED!
Clown Fish We are bright orange with three white stripes. We eat tiny plants, plankton, and algae. We live in the coral reef of the sea.
Sea Stars We have 5 arms and sometimes we can grow up to 50 arms! We live in tidal pools, rocky shores, and coral reefs. We like to eat snails, oysters, and clams.
Whale The color of us could be black, blue, white, and gray. We swim all around the ocean. We eat krill and they are very tiny.
Sea Turtle We are brown, yellow, and black. We have a hard shell that we live in and sleep in. We eat horseshoe crabs, jellyfish, fish, and seaweed.
Sea Horse We look like a horse and we are brown and have bumpy skin. We live in seaweed and other plants. We eat tiny organisms.
Octopus We have 8 long arms and can be many different colors. We live alone in rock caves. We like to eat crab, shrimp, and lobster.
Jelly Fish We can be a clear, purple, white, pink, blue, and yellow. We swim through out the sea. We like to eat fish, shrimp, tiny plants, and crabs.
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Question 1
Correct! Good Job Keep up the Good Work! Answer: C Clown Fish Question 2
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Question 2
Correct! Way to go! Keep up the hard work Answer: A Sear Star Next Question
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Question 3
Correct! Awesome! Answer: D Jelly Fish! Next Question
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