memo tool Monitoring Exchange Mobility Outcomes CHE Consult GmbH
memo tool for HEIs memo analyses the impact of international mobility on students memo provides information on how mobility affects students and how students change during a stay abroad memo focuses on the effects of different types of mobility on the development of students’ personality traits which are closely linked to employability skills and intercultural competences
memo approach memo is much more than a student satisfaction survey memo tool contains a psychometric-related part which enables to measure the real (not perceived) development of students memo uses data based on students’ assessment of their own behaviour (psychometric analysis) before and after the mobility period to show the real effect of mobility
memo factors memo introduces 10 memo factors describing the main personality traits of students related to intercultural competences and employability skills comparison of pre-departure and post-return values are used to assess the direct outcomes of the mobility experience and show real development of students Otázek – položek
memo survey two-phase survey (15 - 20min) pre-departure survey post-return survey completed by outgoing & incoming students currently available in 8 language versions individualized survey for each university easy and effortless survey process for participating institutions personal feedback for all participating students
memo report for HEI annual memo report produced for each participating university Data analysis report comparison with memo average results comparison with peer institutions (same type and size) comparison with previous years (for long-term memo partner HEIs) Executive summary with main findings
memo and EIS memo tool was used in the Erasmus Impact Study to measure the impact of student mobility on individual skills enhancement, development of personality traits and employability of students Some key findings: more than 85% of Erasmus students decide to go abroad in order to increase their employability 92% of employers are looking for transversal skills when recruiting (these skills are measured by the memo factors) on average, Erasmus students have better employability skills after a stay abroad than 70% of all students
Thank you for your attention. For more information please contact: Dana Petrova, CHE Consult GmbH