Building EDI Solutions with BizTalk Server 2006 R2 Presenter: Suren Machiraju Title: Senior Program Manager Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Confidential
Agenda EDI in BizTalk Subsystem Details Demo Developing the Interface Defining the Interface Running and maintaining the Interface Microsoft Confidential
Motivation EDI remains the dominant B2B Messaging standard EDI adoption growing at 5% - 10% Y/Y increase Emerging standards like EDIINT prolonging EDI project lifecycle Provide a comprehensive B2B Gateway/Platform Strategically important to deliver seamlessly integrated EDI capabilities as a part of BizTalk Microsoft Confidential
Solution Highlights Comprehensive solution targeted to the needs of ‘General Industry’, Retail and Healthcare industry segment Drummond Certified (under process) AS2 Solution Upgrade support from BizTalk 2004 and 2006 EDI Adapters BizTalk HIPAA Accelerator 3.0 and 3.3 Available today for your projects Microsoft Confidential
Send Port Messages MessageBox Subscriptions Receive Port XML Message Maps EDI Receive Pipeline Adapter (Any)) Send Port Adapter (Any) Map EDI LOB Partner Host Any Send Pipeline EDI DASM ASM Receive Side Architecture Receive Port Maps AS2 Recv Pipeline Adapter (HTTP) AS2 DASM Microsoft Confidential
Send Port Group Messages MessageBox Subscriptions Batching Subsystem Receive Port XML/FF/SQL Message Maps Any Receive Pipeline (Any) Adapter Send Port Adapter (Any) Map EDI LOB Partner Host EDI Send Pipeline Send Port Adapter (HTTP) Map AS2 Send Pipeline DASM AS2 ASM EDI ASM Send Side Architecture Microsoft Confidential
EDI Processing Scenarios Interchange Processing (Incoming EDI - Receive Side Processing): Transaction Set XML Processing: AKA De-batching Interchange XML Processing: Preserve Batch Structure Variant includes – dropping invalid Transaction Set Splitting Transaction Set XML Processing: Create ‘multiple’ or sub document Transaction Set XML Interchange Generation (Outgoing EDI - Send Side Processing): Batched/Scheduled release: Accumulates Transaction Sets Direct release: Transaction Set released on generation Partner Configuration: Party specific settings ‘Guest’ Party configuration and ‘Home Org’/Default Envelope options. Microsoft Confidential
Feature Set – EDI Runtime support X12 and EDIFACT support Latest Encoding rules supported: X12 5 and EDIFACT-ISO9735 v4.1 Char set support includes: X12 – Basic, Ex and Unicode; EDIFACT – UNOA to UNOK, UNOX & UNOY; and KEDIFACT Optional EDI validation and duplicate detection. Envelope Information available in all Interchange Receive processing options. Batching Inbound: Configurable to preserve Interchange XML structure and split as Transaction Set XML Outbound: release algorithm based of schedule and count Transport Out of box integration with various Protocol and LOB Adapters. Microsoft Confidential
Design Time XML Tools – Schema Editor Extensions 8K+ Transaction Set Definitions as XSD : X12, EDIFACT, UCS*, VICS* and EANCOM* Upgrade Tools (EDI/HIPAA Adapter and MapText-to-XSD) * Support targeted for Beta 2 Operations Partner Agreement Manager: captures partner contact, runtime/enveloping information. Batch Status, Transaction Set, Interchange/ACK Reporting and KPI Reports EDI Deployment Wizard Feature Set - continued Microsoft Confidential
EDIINT - AS2 Support Drummond Interoperability Certification Solution is payload agnostic Non Repudiation of Receipts: stores messages/MDN in Native/Wire format. Microsoft Confidential
Demo 1 Building Interfaces Persona: Interface Analyst Visual Studio Environment Definition/XSD Repository Definition Management Instance Management Microsoft Confidential
Demo 2 Configuring Interfaces Persona: Interface Analyst BTS Admin MMC Interface Party Management Processing Definition Envelope Definition Duplicate/ACK configurations De-batching (on Receive Side) and Batching (on Send Side) Configuration/On Screen Error Reporting AS2 Settings Guest Party/Home Org Settings Microsoft Confidential
Demo 3 Monitoring & Maintaining Interfaces Persona: IT Operator Running and monitoring the interface Batch Status Interchange Status ACK Details Transaction Set Details Metrics Count of Interchanges or Transaction Sets per Doc Type Microsoft Confidential
Call to action! Design and Build the system Fully functional CTP Build available today. On Win2003, XP or Vista OS, SQL 2000 or 2005 and x 86 or 64 bit Hardware Schedule the deployment Beta1 Build: Release imminent! Beta 2: Q1CY2007. Supported in production * Caveat: Schedule and Release Plans are subject to changes in line with overall strategy Microsoft Confidential
Thank you for your time today! Microsoft Confidential
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