SIM335 Demo 6 7 NetApp Confidential - Internal Use Only.


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7 NetApp Confidential - Internal Use Only


Orchestrator 2012Service Manager 2012 Integration across all the technology solutionsConnector framework to Microsoft applications and other System Center solutions Orchestration of system level processesKnowledge capture and process management Automation of technology based standard operational procedures Service Management best practices Runbook executionAutomation of service management processes

OpenView Operations HP Service Manager Software Make your IT service desk enterprise strength Service Manager..

Event Mgmt Service Desk Asset/CMDB Configuration Virtual Security Storage Server Network Monitor for request Initiate Change Create Deployment Clone VM Create Disk Create Server Join Network Connect Disk to VM Associate Server to Service Update CMDB Close Request Incident Response Change & Compliance Provisioning Application Service Management VM Lifecycle Management

ITIL ® COBIT ® MOF ® Automation Standardization Compliance Self-service

Centralized Data Storage Work Items Configuration Items Knowledge Configuration Management DB IT Data Warehouse Automation Services Integration

Portal Reports & Dashboards & Other Clients Excel


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