NHS Bursary Overview Chris Dawson HE Advisors Conference Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge 21 March 2012
Introduction This session is intended to provide you with a brief overview of: General NHS bursary funding arrangements information and guidance about how prospective students can apply for a NHS Bursary from September 2012 onwards The eligibility criteria for receiving a bursary
NHSBSA Student Bursaries We… Fund 92,000 students training at 200 plus Universities. Pay in excess of £400 million p.a. in bursaries and allowances. Process in excess of 35,000 new bursary applications each year Process and pay 7,000 Personal Tuition Fee contributions for Medical & Dental students.
Feast Overview Degree Courses Nursing (BN / BA/ BSc)MidwiferyDieteticsAudiologyRadiographyRadiotherapyPhysiotherapySpeech/Language TherapyPodiatryOrthopticsOccupational TherapyProsthetics and OrthoticsDental HygieneDental Therapy Diploma Courses Nursing (DipHE) Operating Department Practitioner Medical and Dental Medicine – Undergraduate 5/6 year courses Medicine – Graduate entry 3 and 4 year courses Dentistry (as above) Which courses currently attract NHS Bursary funding?
What sort of bursary can new students receive from 2012? All eligible students will receive the £ 1,000 non- means tested grant, regardless of their income and the course they are attending. They can also apply for: ◦ the means-tested maintenance grant and ◦ A Student Loan (from Student Finance England) EU ‘fees only’ students will only be eligible to receive payment of their tuition fees Additional Allowances such as Childcare, Dependents and Parent Learning Allowances which are means- tested
NHS Bursary Basic Rates 2012/13 (new students only from 01/09/12) * This will be pro rata for part time students
NHS Bursary -Additional Allowances Extra Weeks Allowance Dependants Allowance Parent Learning AllowanceChildcare AllowancePractice Placement CostsDisabled Students Allowance
NHS Bursary support for Medical and Dental students- Key Facts Undergraduate Med and Dent students are entitled to means-tested NHS Bursary Support form their 5 th year of study onwards Students on 3 or 4 year Graduate-Entry medical courses are entitled to apply for NHS Bursary from Year 2 of their course onwards Students who are prospective undergraduate medical and dental students this year will not be eligible for NHS bursary support until 2016 under current arrangements
How do students apply for a bursary? For all courses, except medical and dental courses, students must be offered a NHS- funded place on the healthcare professional course of their choice by a university in England Once they are offered a conditional or unconditional place, the university will notify NHS Student Bursaries
The NHS Bursary application process (1) 1. Student applies for a place on their chosen course either via UCAS or directly to the institution 2. University admissions teams advise NHS Student Bursaries of expected starters 3. Student is invited to apply for a bursary by from NHS Student Bursaries Continued….
The NHS Bursary application process (2) 4. Student registers for an online (BOSS) account and submits their application 5. Student receives an requesting the evidence that is required to support their application 6. Student sends the requested documentary evidence to NHS Student Bursaries If student does not send the correct evidence, they will be re- contacted by Continued….
The NHS Bursary application process (3) 7. The student’s eligibility for a bursary is assessed using the information and documentation they have supplied with their application 8. If they are eligible, the application will be processed and their award entitlement determined 9. Student will then receive an to inform them their application has been processed and to check their BOSS account for the award details If they are not eligible, they will be informed by of the reason why Continued….
The NHS Bursary Application Process (4) 10. Student commences training 11. University sends confirmation of enrolment 12. Student’s bursary award is finalised and payments are made to the students bank account, normally within 10 days.
The Student Bursary Online Support System (BOSS) 16 Is an evidence based application process – the information a student supplies on their application must be supported by the relevant hard copy documentation Paper applications will be available by request for those who do not have internet access or who do not wish to apply online All payments will be made to the students’ bank account - with the exception being tuition fees for medical and dental students Students must maintain a UK address and UK bank account in order to receive payment All students must reapply for each academic year they are in training
Bursary Application Process: The Student’s Role A student’s Bursary application is their own responsibility, and our BOSS system gives them greater freedom to manage it. The system allows students to: Create their NHS Bursary Account Apply for their NHS Bursary online View their payment schedule Print a copy of their Notification of Award statement Notify us of any changes in circumstances Change the address and password associated with their account Change the bank account they wish to have their Bursary paid in to. ….The next few slides give a brief glimpse of the BOSS online system
Student Login Page This is the first page that the student will see, it allows them to carry out multiple functions: Register their account Login to their account Assists them if they have forgotten their Username or Password
Student Registration – Personal Details Contains all the personal details for the student Will not allow the same address or username to be registered twice When the student registers they will be asked to activate their account via a link which is sent to the address they have provided
Student Registration – Security Questions Two of these questions will be randomly used to confirm the student’s identity if they telephone with a query regarding their application
Application Form – Sections Above are some of the sections of the application form that the student will be required to complete. Sections to be filled in will vary depending on the course type and the additional allowances that the student selects. They can go to a section directly and complete the details by selecting the appropriate header.
Payment Schedule – Annual Bursary Summary Displays the overall breakdown for the different elements of the student’s bursary once they have completed their application and it has been processed. The ‘Effective From’ date Indicates the date that the calculation was based on.
The Main Residency Requirements In order to qualify for a NHS Bursary, ALL students, regardless of nationality, must meet three main requirements on the first day of the first academic year of their course. On that day they must: Have been ordinarily resident in the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man throughout the preceding three years AND Have settled status in the UK AND Be ordinarily resident in any UK country, that is England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland only. (NB: This does not apply to medical students who must be resident in England).
Exceptions Refugees, their spouses / civil partners, children and step children; Those granted Exceptional Leave to Enter or Remain in the UK or Humanitarian Protection and their spouses, civil partners, children or step-children; Non-UK EU Nationals and their children if they have been ordinarily resident in the UK throughout the three years preceding the start of the course; EEA Migrant Workers, their spouse/civil partner, children and step- children EU Students who are applying for tuition fee support only.
EU Nationals A non-UK EU national or citizen of an EU member state, or ‘relevant family member’, who is ordinarily resident within the EU or Switzerland, (not for full time education purposes), is eligible for a tuition fees only award.
Students from the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man Students who are ordinarily resident in either the Isle of Man or any of the Channel Islands are not eligible for a NHS Bursary. However, under an agreement with the Department of Health, such students are entitled to occupy a NHS-commissioned training place. Students from these areas are not covered by EU / EEA student support rules and are expected to approach their own educational authority for financial support.
EEA Migrant Workers A person who is a National of an EEA member state (or Switzerland) who has taken up an activity as an employed person in the UK and is seeking to exercise a right to free movement in order to work, will normally be eligible for maintenance support. This includes their spouse, civil partner, children and step-children.
Further Help and Information NHS Student Bursaries: Student and HEI helpline – NHS Student Bursaries: website NHS Careers – Student Finance England – UCAS –
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