Yearbook Business Manager Workshop
Expect What to Overview of the Yearbook Business Manager’s job
Expect What to ■ A role equal to that of the editor-in-chief. Yearbook Business Manager Workshop Expect What to ■ A role equal to that of the editor-in-chief. ■ Complete financial responsibility. Balanced budgeting Yearbook planning Reader research Product promotion and sales Advertising campaign Distribution event ■ A one-of-a-kind, real-world experience. As business manager, you have a role that is equal to that of the editor-in-chief and responsibilities that make you critical to the success of the entire staff. Without you, the product may not be its best and it certainly won’t have the exposure or sales in the marketplace it could have.
Yearbook Managing Sales Planning and managing the yearbook budget
Yearbook Sales Managing Business Manager Workshop Yearbook Managing Sales ■ Work with your adviser and school bookkeeper to plan and manage a balanced budget for the yearbook. ■ Collaborate with the editors and staff members to plan and produce a quality, reader-focused yearbook. ■ Create and execute effective yearbook product promotional marketing and sales campaigns. Don’t allow editors and staff members to exclude you from planning the content and creative aspects of the yearbook. The business manager provides a critical voice about whether the creative and content decisions enhance the product. Also, the business manager must offer guidance on whether there are funds to cover any extra items, such as color or cover enhancements, that might be added to the yearbook.
Yearbook Sales Plan and manage the budget Business Manager Workshop Yearbook Managing Sales Plan and manage the budget ■ Project yearbook/advertising/add-on revenue. ■ Project printing and other staff expenses. ■ Set goals with your adviser to ensure a balanced budget where income exceeds expenses. ■ Create a process to track yearbook and advertising sales as well as expenses. ■ Keep orderly, accurate records, monitoring the financial standing of the yearbook at all times using ItPays. Before you finalize your budget, review your numbers and their financial implications with your Jostens representative. Use the selling tools on Yearbook Avenue to create a process to track yearbook and ad sales.
Yearbook Sales Contribute to book planning Business Manager Workshop Yearbook Managing Sales Contribute to book planning ■ Conduct research to uncover buyers’ wants and needs for staff planning and production. ■ Collaborate with editors and staff members to inspire reader-focused concept, coverage, content and design. ■ Ensure complete customer satisfaction by delivering on your readers’ expectations for the yearbook. It is critical that the editorial leadership and staff members recognize the important role you play and be constantly involved in the responsibility of planning, producing AND promoting/selling the yearbook. Each decision the editors and staff make regarding the book should be reader- and potential buyer-focused. Reader satisfaction will result from meeting and exceeding your readers’ expectations. To accomplish that you must know those requirements by asking your readers.
Yearbook Sales Plan and execute campaigns Business Manager Workshop Yearbook Managing Sales Plan and execute campaigns ■ Inspire successful yearbook promotional marketing and sales campaigns; implement incentives and rewards. ■ Lead the staff in creating, articulating and executing promotional marketing plans. ■ Set up and manage yearbook order days. ■ Organize and manage ad sales campaign. ■ Plan and oversee distribution event. Set staff and individual goals that will help you fund the planning, production and printing of the yearbook. Include staff members in the brainstorming, writing, illustrating and designing of the promotional campaigns to keep them actively involved. Make sure that staff members are prepared for their roles on order days. For many schools, ad sales account for thousands of dollars in revenue. As business manager, ad sales are also your responsibility. This includes Recognition Ads as well as advertising for local businesses. Your distribution event creates an experience as great as the book itself. It provides a great opportunity to sell extra copies of your book and can serve as a fundraiser for next year’s book.
Yearbook Business Manager Workshop ItPays Using ■ ItPays helps yearbook staffs track yearbook and ad sales online on Yearbook Avenue. Capabilities include: Recording and tracking yearbook orders Recording and tracking recognition and business ads Generating sales reports Creating custom order forms Online submission of student orders for Personalization and add-ons for qualifying schools Importing student rosters Setting up yearbook to be sold on
ItPays Promotional tools Yearbook Business Manager Workshop ItPays Using Promotional tools ■ ItPays offers tools to help promote your yearbook sale: HOME Flyer: Color flyer promoting online and in-school yearbook sales Online Banner Ads: Banner ad images and online links to put a banner ad on your school’s Web site E-mail Marketing: Choose from a variety of colorful e-mail layouts to send to parents and students promoting your online yearbook sale (available in July).
Prospect Creating a List Knowing and identifying your potential buyers
Prospect List Creating a Yearbook Business Manager Workshop Prospect Creating a List ■ Segment your audience by demographics and interests. ■ Analyze your market to develop your marketing and sales strategies. ■ Create and maintain a prospect tracking list to use when targeting non-buyers.
Prospect List Know your potential buyers ■ Demographics ■ Affiliations Yearbook Business Manager Workshop Prospect Creating a List Know your potential buyers ■ Demographics ■ Affiliations Grade level Group members Gender Athletes Ethnicity Non-traditional students Parents Faculty/staff Community members
Prospect List Understand spending habits Yearbook Business Manager Workshop Prospect Creating a List Understand spending habits ■ Learn your readers’ buying/spending habits based on their perceived wants and needs. ■ Determine who actually pays for the book and your potential buyers’ disposable income. ■ Know what motivates them to purchase a yearbook. Be sure to consider big events in the school/community when schedule the back-to-school campaign. Refer to your prospect list to focus your efforts on the hotter and hottest prospects.
Prospect List Teens spend big bucks Yearbook Business Manager Workshop Prospect Creating a List Teens spend big bucks ■ What do you sell your yearbook for? ■ Average teen spending: 12-15 year olds: $65/week 16-17 year olds: $99/week 18-19 year olds: $135/week ■ Teens plan on purchasing or already own: cell phone, digital camera, yearbook, sunglasses, used car, backpack, contact lens, DVD player, MP3 player [Source: Teen Research Unlimited] ■ Target all students and parents with a back-to-school marketing campaign. ■ Plan your back-to-school campaign in the spring and the summer so you’re ready when school opens. You are probably thinking to yourself – there is no way I spend that much money in a week. Think about how what you spend money on: If you drive, that is $25+/week. How many of you drink coffee drinks at several dollars each? There is probably at least $10/week. What about going to the movies? There is $20. What about your cell phone bill or text messaging? What about ATM fees or those quick withdrawals? What about that new Abercrombie t-shirt for $20 – do you think that will be around in 25 years? As you can see, it doesn’t take long to add up to $60 or even $100/week.
Prospect List Tracking students in the book Yearbook Business Manager Workshop Prospect Creating a List Tracking students in the book ■ YearTech Online: Utilize the new Coverage Report for tracking students appearing on the pages. For the 2007-2008 school year, a new Yearbook Coverage Report in YearTech Online will track the number of times a student appears in the yearbook and if the student has purchased a yearbook. ■ YearTech: Index pages as they are completed to monitor the students appearing in the yearbook.
Yearbook Business Manager Workshop Prospect Creating a List
Prospect List Create prospect list Yearbook Business Manager Workshop Prospect Creating a List Create prospect list ■ Divide the list into three categories: HOTTEST: Non-buyers who fall into two categories and show up in the book more than twice. HOTTER: Non-buyers who fall into one category and show up in the yearbook more than twice. HOT: Non-buyers who fall into one category and show up in the yearbook at least once.
Online Selling ■ Online ordering offers 24/7 convenience. Yearbook Business Manager Workshop Selling ■ Online ordering offers 24/7 convenience. ■ Consumers are becoming increasingly more comfortable purchasing products online. ■ Jostens now offers – a single Web address for e-commerce. ■ When yearbooks are sold online, the information goes directly into ItPays for easy access on Yearbook Avenue.
Buzz Creating a Creating a personalized campaign that creates suspense and builds yearbook excitement
Yearbook Business Manager Workshop Buzz Creating a ■ To maximize the potential of your marketing campaign consider supporting it with “buzz marketing.” ■ “Buzz marketing” relies heavily upon word-of-mouth and peer influence to generate excitement and demand. ■ Posters and support materials use the theme “This year will never happen again” and “Available for a limited time only,” to emphasize the need to buy now.
Buzz Creating yearbook buzz ■ What are the most popular hangouts? Business Manager Workshop Buzz Creating a Creating yearbook buzz ■ What are the most popular hangouts? ■ What can I do to add an element of surprise to the students’ daily routines? ■ How can I reach students anytime, anyplace in a nontraditional way? Consider these questions to determine whether your promotional efforts will create a “buzz” on your campus.
Buzz Personalize your campaign Yearbook Business Manager Workshop Buzz Creating a Personalize your campaign ■ Create an awareness campaign personalized to your school, your yearbook and, most importantly, your potential buyers. Consider age, gender, cultural diversity, affiliation and individual interests when creating a focused campaign. ■ Design marketing and sales campaigns that reflect the techniques and strategies of professional marketers including suspense, testimonial and FAB campaigns.
Buzz Testimonials influence sales Yearbook Business Manager Workshop Buzz Creating a Testimonials influence sales ■ Peer influence is a determining factor in many of your buyer’s decision making. ■ This campaign approach capitalizes on the reasons to buy a book based on why other students in your school decided to purchase. ■ Remember to offer a testimonials from all groups within your school to make it clear there will be something for everyone in the yearbook.
Buzz Creating a Yearbook Business Manager Workshop FAMOUS FACES. The famous (RED) campaign skillfully uses celebrities to appeal to many different groups. An effective yearbook campaign must do the exact same thing – appeal to as many groups within the school as possible.
Buzz Create an air of suspense Yearbook Business Manager Workshop Buzz Creating a Create an air of suspense ■ This campaign builds over a time period to create high interest and peak curiosity. ■ When creating this campaign, make sure that each new release has the mark of the previous one, yet offers prospective buys something obviously new. ■ Consider both verbal and visual development. The combination of words and images can have dramatic impact.
Buzz Creating a Yearbook Business Manager Workshop SUSPENSE. Nike skillfully creates an air of suspense with this effective campaign. The campaign builds over time, culminating with the tagline and the Nike logo.
Yearbook Business Manager Workshop JUST FOR YOU. This yearbook staff used the suspense approach for “it’s all about YOU!” yearbook campaign. Portions of a photo are used in the first two advertisements to peak attention. In the third advertisement, the entire photo emerges. On the fourth ad, the entire yearbook is featured.
Yearbook Business Manager Workshop Buzz Creating a Make it FAB ■ This approach focuses on three important aspects of the product. For example, the yearbook includes all color photos of you and your friends unlike $75 tennis shoes. It will preserve memories for a lifetime. ■ Features: Specific details of the product. ■ Advantages: Differences over similar products. ■ Benefits: Reason or need for the product. Consider creating a campaign that compares the yearbook with other products showcasing the features, advantages and benefits of the yearbook over those other buyer product wants.
Buzz Five phases of the campaign Yearbook Business Manager Workshop Buzz Creating a Five phases of the campaign ■ Divide your yearbook campaign into five major phases. Each phase contributes to a consistent overall campaign through the year. Phase one: Back to School Phase two: Home for the Holidays Phase three: Share the Book Phase four: Last Chance to Buy Phase five: Distribution Event Successful yearbook marketing involves more than just a single yearbook sales campaign at the beginning of the year. The most effective effort results from implementing five phases throughout the school year.
Yearbook Business Manager Workshop Back Phase one to school ■ Energy and excitement is at its highest at the beginning of a new school year. This is a perfect time to market the yearbook. ■ Target all students and parents with a back-to-school marketing campaign. ■ Plan your back-to-school campaign in the spring and the summer so you’re ready when school opens. It is very important to convert beginning of-the-year excitement into yearbook sales.
Holidays Holidays Home for the Home for the Home for the Yearbook Business Manager Workshop Home for the Home for the Home for the Holidays Holidays Phase two Phase two ■ Parents understand the value of the yearbook, so marketing directly to them can result in increased sales. ■ Since the holidays are a season of giving, a holiday promotion provides families with the opportunity to purchase a yearbook as a gift. ■ Parents understand the value of the yearbook, so marketing directly to them can result in increased sales. ■ Since the holidays are a season of giving, a holiday promotion provides families with the opportunity to purchase a yearbook as a gift. When presenting, take care to use the term “holiday” rather than “Christmas.” Marketing to the parents of non-buyers is the key strategy, the holidays provide a timely reason for a yearbook purchase. At some schools, the Home for the Holiday phase has met with mixed results. If this has worked successfully for your school in the past, continue to use it.
Yearbook Business Manager Workshop Share Phase three Phase three the book ■ The proof is in the proofs, literally. Don’t just tell students they are going to be in the yearbook, show them! ■ Sharing pages piques interest in the entire yearbook, starting a buzz and motivating sales. ■ This campaign can be on-going as pages are completed and submitted. Can you imagine going to your favorite store and paying $35, six month in advance for a T-shirt or a video game without knowing anything about it? Well, that is exactly what we expect yearbook buyers to do. If your staff keeps the content of the yearbook a secret, it’s time to reconsider that decision.
Last Yearbook Business Manager Workshop Yearbook Business Manager Workshop Chance Phase four to buy ■ Make one last effort to contact and sell to every non-buyer. ■ Don’t be afraid to think out of the box and build a campaign that will produce results at your school. ■ When this campaign ends, it is no longer possible to order a personalized yearbook and it is a strong possibility there won’t be extra yearbooks available for spring purchase. By nature, people tend to wait until the last minute to make purchases. The “Last Chance to Buy” promotion provides a deadline for an advance purchase. Make it clear to all non-buys that this is the last chance to buy. After this point, the yearbook staff can no longer guarantee a yearbook will be available for purchase later in the spring.
Yearbook Business Manager Workshop Event Phase five Distribution ■ A distribution event creates an experience as great as the book itself. ■ A distribution event provides a great opportunity to sell extra copies of the yearbook and can even serve as a fund-raiser. ■ Establish a rich tradition at your school. A well-planned distribution event quickly becomes a vital part of the yearbook experience. For spring delivery yearbooks, a distribution event quickly becomes one of the favorite activities marking the end of the school year.
Resources Yearbook Business Manager From people to PDFs, Jostens provides every resource that you need
Yearbook Business Manager Workshop Resources The Business Manager’s Guidebook provides all the tools and information you need. New checklists in the back of the Business Manager’s Guidebook provide easy to follow, step-by-step plans A new Yearbook Business Manager’s Workbook provides week-by-week plans.
Resources A Management materials Student yearbook survey Pledge poster Business Manager Workshop Resources The Business Manager’s Kit DVD-A includes a variety of PDF files and forms that can be customized to fit your school’s needs. A Management materials Student yearbook survey Pledge poster Prospect list Budget worksheet Order form Distribution event checklist Recognition ad order forms Recognition ad letter Ad templates
Resources A Marketing materials Phone scripts Posters Table tents Yearbook Business Manager Workshop Resources A Marketing materials Phone scripts Table tents Distribution locker stuffers Newspaper ad Discount coupons Press releases Picture day promos Posters Locker stuffs Prospect list “Last Chance” postcards “Last Chance” order form In-the-book cards “Share the Book” ad footer Holiday gift certificates Ad templates
Yearbook Business Manager Workshop Resources B 4 professional produced video yearbook commercials are available on the Business Manager’s Kit DVD-B.
Yearbook Business Manager Workshop Resources Located in your Jostens Yearbook Kit, the Sell It! Kit features: Marketing Guide Budget Booster$ Sales Posters Sample Selling Tools
Yearbook Business Manager Workshop Resources Yearbook Avenue is your one-stop online source for tools and resources. Check-out the following tabs: Sell (ItPays) Distribute