Guide to Germany’s Winter Olympics
Germany is the fifth largest country in the Olympics behind USA, Canada, Russia, and Switzerland
Map of Germany
Germany’s rival Germany ha s a soccer rival with England in the Summer Olympics.
Winter Olympics Germany does all the Winter Olympics. Including speed skating and Nordic combined
Fun facts Germany is Europe's largest economy. There are bread museums. 2% of Germans do not own cell phones Gummy bears were invented by a German Berlin is 9 times bigger than Paris. Germany has 400 zoos. There are 400 castles in Germany
More fun facts Germany is known as the Holy Roman Empire German is the official language of 5 countries Berlin has the largest train station in Europe German is spoken by more than 100million people world wide
A funny word This is the longest word in German Donaudampfschifffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft (79 letters). Try saying that five times fast. lol
J.F.K speaking German Legend has it that when JFK went to Germany he said Ich bin ein Berliner which means I am a jelly donut.
Sites Wikipedia.org_german_football_rivalry