Figure 15.2a The human urinary system.
Figure 25.2b Position of the kidneys against the posterior body wall. 12th rib (b)
Figure 25.2a Position of the kidneys against the posterior body wall. Anterior Inferior vena cava Peritoneum Peritoneal cavity (organs removed) Aorta Renal vein Renal artery • Perirenal fat capsule Body wall (a) Posterior
Figure 15.3 The positions of the bladder, the urethra, and associated organs in males and in females.
Figure 25.3 Internal anatomy of the kidney. Renal hilum Renal cortex Renal medulla Major calyx Renal pelvis Minor calyx Ureter Renal pyramid in renal medulla Renal column (a) Photograph of right kidney, frontal section (b) Diagrammatic view
Figure 25.4a Blood vessels of the kidney. Renal vein Renal artery Renal pelvis Ureter Renal medulla Renal cortex (a) Frontal section illustrating major blood vessels
Figure 15.2c The human urinary system.
Figure 15.4 Tubular regions of a nephron.
Figure 15.4 Tubular regions of a nephron. Efferent arteriole b c d Afferent arteriole Cortex Descending limb Medulla e Ascending limb f Renal pelvis
Figure 15.7a glomerular filtration.
What leaves blood in glomerulus? Everything smaller than 70,000 MW What is retained in blood? Blood cells Most blood proteins
Glomerular capillaries Figure 25.10 A schematic, uncoiled nephron showing the three major renal processes that adjust plasma composition. Afferent arteriole Glomerular capillaries Efferent arteriole Glomerular capsule Rest of renal tubule containing filtrate Peritubular capillary Three major renal processes: Glomerular filtration To cortical radiate vein Tubular reabsorption Tubular secretion Urine
Figure 15.8 The proximal tubule.
Figure 15.9 Basic mechanisms of reabsorption in the proximal tubule.
Figure 25.7a Blood vessels of cortical and juxtamedullary nephrons. Efferent arteriole Afferent arteriole Collecting duct Distal convoluted tubule Proximal convoluted tubule Peritubular capillaries Corticomedullary junction Loop of Henle Kidney (a)
Figure 25.7b Blood vessels of nephrons. Afferent arteriole Glomerulus Efferent arteriole Peritubular capillary bed (b)
Figure 25.4a Blood vessels of the kidney. Cortical radiate vein Cortical radiate artery Arcuate vein Arcuate artery Interlobar vein Interlobar artery Renal vein Renal artery (a) Frontal section illustrating major blood vessels
Figure 25.20 Cross-sectional view of the ureter wall (10x). Lumen Adventitia Circular layer Longitudinal layer Transitional epithelium Lamina propria
Table 15.1 Sources of water gain and loss per day
Table 15.3 Amounts of various substances filtered and excreted or reabsorbed
Table 25.2 Abnormal Urinary Constituents