Update on the NASA/NOAA/DOE Collaboration on the Utilization of ROA/UAV/UAS for Global Climate Change and Weather Research Will Bolton Sandia National Laboratories Rickey C. Petty U.S. Department of Energy
With support from the National Science Foundation, three students are able to participate in this workshop Student participants in this workshop Special thanks to NSF and Jay Fein, Pam Stephens and others who made this participation possible
Background Recognition in the three agencies of the potential importance of unoccupied/autonomous aircraft in climate and weather research and observations Support from agency management to take the next steps: Explore the potential of collaboration Develop an MOU to establish a framework for the collaboration Conduct workshops to develop technical basis for the collaboration Identify opportunities for early joint activities Specific joint activities would be developed under bi- or tri-agency Implementing Agreements Status Conducted two joint reviews with agency management Conducted two previous workshops with focus on 1) science and 2) platforms Three-agency MOU developed; now in final review Continuing close work between representatives of the three agencies The proposed collaboration has developed over 3 years
Each agency has independent interests but will work together in areas of common interest The participating agencies will work together and independently Build on existing programs, campaigns, capabilities Leverage current resources Work to identify future resources for expanded efforts Work toward a grander vision - global in scale, international in scope (it may be years before the full vision is realized) NASA NOAA DOE The collaboration will work in the intersections Each agency will continue to work in their individual mission areas
The first workshop was conduced August 3 & 4, 2004 at Scripps, La Jolla, CA Attended by approximately 40 scientists, engineers, and program managers The focus was on identifying the key scientific questions that would benefit from the capabilities that UAVs offer Results from the first workshop: - Identified 11 science goals in 5 topic areas, including benefits to society, observations required, and “why UAVs” - Identified obstacles to implementation in 3 broad areas: 1) carbon fluxes, 2) basic climate state profiles, 3) high impact events Workshops are an important part of the collaboration process (1)
Results from the first workshop are available online… … at the following URL:
The second workshop was conduced December 7 & 8, 2004 at Boulder, CO Attended by approximately 80 engineers, scientists, and program managers The focus was on understanding the available UAV technology and identifying gaps between what is required and what is available The intent was laying groundwork for a roadmap to develop the required platform and measurement technologies Results from the second workshop: - Vision statement - Missions in climate, land & ocean surface, global observation, and atmospheric observation - Technology overviews in UAVs (high-, mid-, and low-altitude) and instrumentation (remote, in situ), operations, integrated operations, data, communications - Notional “gaps and roadmaps” in platforms, instruments, data and communications - Ideas for joint efforts, innovative uses of UAVs, UAV-enabled global observing system Workshops are an important part of the collaboration process (2)
Results from the second workshop are available online… … at the following URL:
Welcome to the 3rd NASA/NOAA/DOE UAS workshop Your participation is vital to the success of this workshop and to developing the three-agency collaboration Thank you for sharing your expertise and time The three-agency MOU is currently in the approval process The first two workshops… 1) …identified key scientific questions that could benefit from the capabilities of UASs 2) …addressed technology capabilities and gaps to perform the required missions We are now ready to explore the needs of climate, weather, and severe event research and modeling and the role that UASs can play to help meet those needs In summary…